I knew I couldn’t handle friends only stuff.
I knew I couldn’t handle friends only stuff.
Last night I had a first date with Noah. He is a newbie top apparently; damnit! I was told I was getting an experienced sadist!! I suppose it depends on your definition of experienced. He basically asked me if he could use me as training wheels. Uh… what?! Oh, I’m so extreme that he can learn lots of stuff from me and never get anywhere near my limits. *snort* How…thrilling…
Although after the brief bit of ‘instruction’ I gave him last night I discovered that he is a bloody fast learner. Maybe there is something to training your own top…. Hmmm… I think I will give it a shot. At the very least he is extremely enthused about the idea of a mfm threesome with me and I’ve never had one of those! And he rides a motorcycle. So I’m pretty sure at least some fun will be had. Even if I am topping from the bottom… *sigh*
I went over and visited Ricky Wednesday night and I’m seeing him tonight as well. This is the guy I’m going to be the most interested in seeing how my feelings progress… I think I’m going to fall and fall hard. He just gives off this vibe that is so completely yummy. And he just happens to be the very best kisser I have ever met.
Hot kisses
Wet, oh no, it is something else that is wet.
Grinding your leg between my legs, I moan. You smile.
A hand comes up and grabs my throat. The pressure is intense–I’m not sure I can handle it. I feel blackness all around my peripheral vision… there is breath…
“Please what?”
“Please let me come…”
Oh god I feel my whole insides clench with the struggle to not orgasm. You don’t know how hot that makes me.
I want you to…
I want you…
I want..
Hold me.
Stroke my hair.
Thank you.
So I was talking to a friend about my ugly duckling feelings lately (God, why me?!) and her comment was: “You are a young, thin, submissive girl who likes wearing corsets. What isn’t to like?”
Good thing she didn’t say that to me while I was at school. I about hit the floor I was laughing so hard.
I tried to be all slick and have a subset group of friends who saw specific posts, but then I was looking through another persons friends list (who shouldn’t have seen the post) and… voila! There it was! Ack. Rapid delete. I guess that I’m not computer saavy enough to be selectively making posts.
Are Macs known for crashing? This POS iMac is crashing with every third email I open. I’m feeling very sad about it! WTF! *grrrrr*
The boy isn’t home and people aren’t online to be chatty with. What, is this the universe’s way of telling me to catch up on my sleep?
And I can’t find my glasses. Ack! I have also now discovered the outermost ridge of the wireless network. Hmmmm. But I will have new carpets by the end of the day! It will all be worth it I’m sure. I’m already plotting a party.
I just found the nicest dirty story livejournal. It sounds like her real, actual sm exploits and god ~damn~ is this chick hot. I have enjoyed wanking to her writing for a few hours now and I thought I should share.
I’m in a good mood.
Just thought I would tell you. Whoever the hell you are. *peer through screen*
I can’t believe this thing has been up for a while and no one pointed out the horrible spelling error. Rather unforgivable of me.
My kitchen is a mess because we are finally getting hardwood flooring installed. Hurray! And the carpet will be installed next week! Hurray! Oh goodness. This means I should plan a party soon to show off our done(?) house! Dear lord. Not more activity! Ack. This may have to wait until April. I think February and March are already booked solid. (What an odd thought.)
So I’m sitting in my bedroom. I have eaten: yogurt, cheese, lunch meat, and raw veggies. I’m cutting hunks out of the cheese with the spoon I used for my yogurt. The cheese blocks looks oddly mutilated. I don’t have any other easy/non-cookable food in the refrigerator right now and I can’t get into the kitchen. (The fridge is in the living room right now.) I better eat slower…
I’m busily working on a story about a transman and what happened to him along the way to deciding to transition. It is really interesting. I wonder what will happen next.
The Dirty Little Secret
Deliberate Gentle Sex Master (DGSMf)
Innocent but fundamentally sexual, like the word “finger”. You are the Dirty Little Secret.
Few women have the confidence for sex mastery, and among nice girls, like you, it’s almost unheard of. So congratulations. You’ve had plenty of adventures, but you’ve remained a kind, thoughtful person. Your friends appreciate your exploits. They even live vicariously through you.
You seek pleasure, but you’re not irresponsible. You are organized and cautious, and you choose your lovers wisely. One, you don’t like dirtbags. And two, you like to maintain control. Or at least lose it selectively. You might notice that older men single you out. They have an eye for your sensual nature. Take it as a compliment.
You enjoy making people happy, and it’s inevitable that many guys will fall harder for you than you for them. You’re not completely comfortable in a serious, long-term relationship right now. Our guess is that the key to extended happiness will be finding a responsible, but kinky, mate.
I’m not sure how I feel about being the “dirty little secret.” I suppose that I’m glad that I’m a nice girl. I am comfortable in my long-term relationship, but can I still play?