So, what piece of underclothing is your favorite? This question is probably geared towards somewhat heterosexual men thinking about women, but I would be happy to hear about the possibilities for men as well.
Monthly Archives: March 2004
The people cleaning have left, that means I can go ponder how I spent yesterday evening.
More on Kinkfest
It is surreal to me to work on stuff I shouldn’t be working on at school, but I have 5 more periods ahead of me with children working silently. Hm. What to do to kill the time…
Reflections on Kinkfest
Cons are so odd. There is always drama. Someone inevitably gets upset. By the end of the weekend many people are cranky and everyone is tired. There are new connections, hot scenes, and usually interesting conversations. I sometimes wonder if the hassle is worth it, but I still want to go.
So much stuff!
Why I think he is funny.
We are lying in bed, we have both finally settled in. It has taken us this long to finish packing. Drifting off to sleep…
(This all takes place in very fuzzy voices.)
T: Is your list all the way across the room?
Me: Yes. Why?
t: I forgot to set an away message on my email.
Pause for several minutes.
Me: I need to go to the bathroom.
T: When you get up, can you make a note for me?
Me: Unnnnh
T: Would you like me to push on your bladder to make this process go faster?
Me: No.
T: Good. I didn’t want to move anyway.
Then I laughed like mad. He is such a dork. But so cute!!!
Ok, now I’m going to finish getting ready to go. But I wanted to remember this conversation.
You Slut
angelbob put up a link:
Go there. Read it. Yay sluts.
Bloody hell. Eventually I will learn how to use freakin lj. Sorry for the screwed up link.
Feast or Famine
Let the feasting begin!
Friday night: intense spanking, verbal stuff, forceful… uhm.. treatment.
Saturday night: violet wand done intensely. yay me!
Sunday afternoon: tied up, spanked, light caning, extremely forceful…uhm…treatment.
Monday morning/afternoon: clips and face slapping and verbal play and even more rough… uhm… treatment.
All this and Kinkfest is coming up! Yay me!
In class ponderings on poly and such. Whine whine whine.
This may or may not interest anyone.
Quotes of the day:
“Learning to be sexually aggressive with you isn’t like having training wheels, it is like being tossed on a Harley.”
“They aren’t Communists, they are Socialists.” “That just means they are lazy and unorganized.”
“Thanks to you I’m trying to figure out what I want. I’m more confused than usual because I can’t clearly say what it is that I want.” ” You can thank me later.”
I have spent the day being very very amused.
Hell yeah.
The evening distinctly improved. Snuggling and Thai food for dinner. Yummy fooling around after he finished packing. I still can’t believe that he didn’t finish his packing sooner. It blows my mind. I didn’t tell him what I was thinking/feeling because it didn’t seem right. I’m sure there were a variety of convenience factors involved in him deciding to ask me to spend last night with him instead of one of the other people he is dating but I’m trying to think positively. It is a struggle for me. It is a weird concept to wrap my mind around that I am going to miss him like crazy and still never have an empty night.
My date for Sunday called yesterday and cancelled. I’m not really upset. I don’t think that things are happening at all there and I think he and I need to just acknowledge it and call it good. My dance card is full enough.
Yummy orgasms. I am much less happy about being awake at 6 am than I was about being awake at 4:30. But I had a cock forcibly shoved down my throat at 4:30. That will make any girl happy. Or at least it should! Ah well. I should try to get some sleep. I’m sad and tired and somehow wired. I feel like such a freak!
Yicky day.
The day from hell. Awful kids treating me very very badly. I will never accept a sub assignment for this teacher again. (Well, not until the next school year when she has different kids.)
I went to the grocery store after work because we are completely out of everything vaguely healthy. I bought a bottle of wine intending to drink the whole thing myself and I wasn’t even carded. That is the first time I haven’t been carded. I guess my bad day showed on my face and all of a sudden I look old. What an ego booster.
I called my Daddy to whine and get some verbal condolences and he decided that I should meet him at his office and we would get ice cream. That was at least nice. The ice cream wasn’t nearly as important as getting an unexpected date with my Daddy. I need Daddy time some days. We only spent like 30 minutes together though because he had a meeting and such.
Now maybe my night isn’t quite so icki as I thought it was going to be. The boy that I’m in like with is going away for three weeks and he asked me if I could take him to the airport in the morning. Being a smart girl I negotiated some time tonight. I thought I was going to get very little time and most of that spent watching him pack. (Who the hell packs within 12 hours of leaving?! Oh, most normal people…) It turns out I will get a little more time tonight than I thought. Yay. Oh wait, he will still be packing the whole time. And we need to leave at o-dark-thirty in the morning so we aren’t going to be active all night long. I will get at least a little bit of snuggling in. Hey wait, and he has lots of mead. That is even better than wine! I guess I can delay my descent into a stupor for a little while. And if I’m hoping for some friendliness I won’t get smashed. I will however hopefully get mellow. Mellow good. Snuggles good. I really need to have a few orgasms tonight. Just for the sake of getting over a stressful day. I really hope it happens. *tap toes* I’ve kind of given up on sex, but I can at least be given an orgasm. I reciprocate!
I have awful awful awful kids today. They are screaming at me and telling me off and being nasty little bastards. I want to cry. It is hard not to take this kind of vitriol personally.
Yikes and ack and such
The monitor on the laptop completely died yesterday. *sob* *rip out hair* This means that I am going to have some really funky computer access for a while. I won’t really have access to my address book (knew I should have printed that sucker out…) so unless you have made it into my cell phone (I’m bad about adding people to my cell phone) I don’t have any way of contacting you for a little bit. Hm. I can however access my email via the web (yay for figuring that little bit out) so if you want to talk to me within the next week, two weeks, god knows how long it will take to have the monitor replaced… send me an email and I will have contact data! Yay.
This could also be an excellent time for me to say, hey! If you want me to be able to contact you in the general future, send me an email. Give me your name, rank, and serial number (or your phone number and email address and real address and such) and I will add you to my address book the next time I can run Outlook. Which shouldn’t take too long. This is an excellent time for people to get on my Christmas card list. This is also an excellent time for people to get into my address book because that is how I am going to be announcing the party in May. (Oh, we ARE going to have the house finished by May and there will be a big party.) I’m not going to post many details about it here because that will feel like I am rubbing it the noses of people who are not eligible for attendance and I don’t want to do that.
Send email…
An actual serious sort of post.
Although I do want people to answer my meme’s. It interests me.
I told ya’ll tonight that I was going to rant about this. You were warned…
Hair pulling:
More meme stuff.
“Go browse through my list of interests and pick one that either you know nothing about or can’t fathom why I’d be interested in that and ask for an explanation.”
Meme schtuff.
Fill out the answers and put them in a comment, and if you put it on yours I’ll do the same for you. Probably.
Place of Birth:
Reason for LJ username?:
Do you enjoy reading my LJ?:
Why or why not?:
Interesting fact about you:
Weird fact about you:
Will you post this in your journal?:
Paper done and it doesn’t suck.
Jobs lined up for the next two weeks. Huzzah!
Stories critiqued for class.
Hot tub soakage.
Good chats.
It has been a good day. Will I be up for Death Guild after class? Woof. We’ll see…
blathering instead of being productive.
Outing at work?
Dood! Oh my goodness. I was archiving one of my pervy mailing lists (I have to have something to do when I’m bored) and I noticed a last name…. Hmm. That rings a bell. It is an odd last name… think about it… OH MY GOD That’s the last name of the person who calls me to assign jobs. Ut oh… I think that is her husbands first name!! Oh wait, he includes his phone number in his emails… Pick up the phone and scan through caller ID… DUDE!!! It is the same number!!!
I’m tweakin now.
Now it is time for another verse of… It’s a Small World After All….
No wonder she grins at me funny when I run into her at the school… Maybe she recognizes me! This is going to bug me forever.
I’m feeling really depressed. I can’t seem to bring myself to write a paper for a class. It is due tomorrow and I can’t keep putting it off. I have 20 hours to have it done. *sigh*