Parking is entirely on the street. Our complex gets bitchy.
We do live in a condo with neighbors on each wall, so noise must be kept to a minimum. No screaming. Ok, so maybe that last bit is just a reminder for me as opposed to the lot of you… I remind myself often. When coming in and out please be pretty quiet.
We put new carpeting in our house and hardwood floors so we are going to ask people to not wear their shoes in the house, well… because we are both really into shoes we will make an exception for people who have really nice heels. Our party, our rules. There is the potential for a lot of people coming and that much traffic with shoes is scary for our pretty new carpets.
We have carpeting in the garage (I think it is an odd thing to do, but whatever) so it will be open and that will be where shoes will be left and it will be where food and drink are kept. I think we are going to ask that people only take water elsewhere in the house. Seem reasonable?
Shite. Now that this seems to be a reality I feel a lot more pressure to get my ass moving and finish unpacking the guest room!
I’m not going to send out my address or directions until I have a firm RSVP list. I do strongly prefer that people who already know where I live still send me an email or leave a comment that they plan to come. Helpful hints and stuff. Ya’ll do have 4 weeks though. I won’t get too antsy too soon. I hope…
Dork, I’m a dork. oy.