I’m not sure I will survive. I am terrified of the Alaska trip for the sole reason of being off-line for more than 10 days. I think my brain will explode.
Anyway, that isn’t my point right now. I have a point. Really I do. I’m probably not going to be able to check email/lj until Friday. So don’t expect my usual lightning fast (aka: obsessive compulsive freakish) responses. Feel free to call me and tell me you love me though. It always makes me smile.
The benefits of friendship outweighed the option of doing the polka tonight. I must really like my friend. So now of course I’m all buggy to polka. I will sleep instead… and smile!
You’re never fully dressed without a smile!
*Oh, my goodness…*an Annie reference?
*You will survive…*You will do so very well…*