and boy did that boy prove me right. Or something like that. It hurt! It really did! I freaked!
I had the most brutal sex that I have had in years this weekend. As in, felt like a rape scene, ow my insides hurt, my mind started checking out brutal. It was incredibly intense. I started shutting down during the event, despite the fact that I knew in some corner of my brain that I should call the scene. After scene processing involved him telling me that he thought I would be able to handle a lot more than that based on how I talk. Doh! I guess I should keep my mouth shut more? Or maybe it was just the way he interpreted or something… I don’t know. There was some sort of interesting disconnect there.
*In the interests of fair representation, the boy was very worried about things having gone too far. He was very concerned about me. This was more extreme than he usually plays and he wasn’t running roughshod over me. He is a very nice boy. He isn’t just a sick, twisted, evil, sadistic bastard. *giggle*
Anyway. The strange thing was, as soon as I really came back into my head and started feeling ok again I wasn’t fine, I was elated. I wanted to go back into that deep dark scary place something fierce. As soon as the hurting was over I wanted it to hurt again. But I was so scared in the moment… I’m not sure I get it.
Then we had an amazing conversation about God. I cried. Just a little bit, but it was a huge thing to me.
Then he fucked me again. Oh my god. AGAIN?!
Then again.
I guess younger guys have some pretty serious advantages. wowsa.
And the conversation inbetween all this fucking was seriously amazing.
Bloody GU boys. *sigh* Fine…. I’ll drive… Sheesh.