I was asked last night about the status of my love life. I had to stop and think about that for several minutes. Uhm… well…
Things with Tom… well… he is starting to actually say he misses me and ask for time with me. I think this is a huge deal. He is also starting to schedule lots of weekends off doing car stuff which eliminates the time I had planned to spend with him. Ok, I guess I will fill it elsewhere.
Noah still rocks pretty darn hard. We get along well. We are both still very into the NRE and very eager to see one another. I see him at least once a week and it is good. I’ve also started to get to know his primary and she is pretty freakin amazing. I’m excited by the prospects that exist in that direction for friendship.
Uhm, no… I haven’t stopped seeing Ricky. *sigh* I am such a dumbass. I did, however, set very clear boundaries on how much teasing he is allowed to do towards me and I was very honest with him about how I feel. I think that is a step in the right direction. I don’t see him much either. Like once a month. I think that isn’t overly taunting myself with what I can’t have.
DA! DA rocks so hard. He is the person I went to Alaska with and I can’t wait to see him again. He is so thoroughly nifty. We are talking on the phone quite a bit. I can’t see him till the end of August. He is in New York. 
Paul is very cool and I look forward to seeing more of him. He is the only scene person in the mix on a serious level. He is mean and nasty!!! *bounce* cool. *bounce* I think my relationship has a very limited future with him because we are very much “not in the same place in life” and uhhh well… yeah. I’m breaking my age rule to date him at all. He is so very fun though. I think he’s a friend I play with and kiss. Yeah. That’s what it is. That way I’m not breaking the age rule.
I’m getting involved with a truly hot girl. Katie is so amazing. She is finishing up her necessary stuff to become a psychologist. She has done a bunch of porn. She is gorgeous and soooooooooo smart. Smart is so sexy. She looks really amazing when she comes. 
Matthew is the minister. I dig him a lot. Although he is kind of clingy, and that trips me out.
Xavier is obnoxious. He is going away.
Emmett is a friend.
James. Mic.