There are two meme’s going on right now that I could be sucker and join in. So I’ll give ya’ll a choice. You can do one, or the other, or both, or neither.
Whatever tickles your fancy.
If we were alone in a room together right now, what would we be doing?
“This is the problem with LJ, we all think we are so close, and we know nothing about each other. I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about.
Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don’t know about you.”
Comments will be screened, so feel free to be as graphic as you like. 
Some yummy suggestions as what to do with me. I knew I liked ya’ll.
Question- How’d you get introduced to the poly/kink/pansexual community, and what made you want to be actively part of it?
Well, that is a multi-part question with different answers! I started doing queer (my version of pansexual) stuff when I was fairly young. I have been fooling around with girls since before puberty so actually being involved with the queer scene as it were started happening around 15. What made me want to be part of it? Uhm.. biology? Girls are hot. Kink started happening for me when I was 18. I actually found out about bdsm because of a chat room. *blush* I was told to read _SM101_ and things snowballed from there. I started going to munches and met my primary at my first party. Being kinky is just part of who I am. I have always wanted kinky stuff even when I didn’t know the words to ask for what I wanted. I am very new to poly actually. I have always had poly friends, but I have only been exploring it as an option since last December. For years there was no one I wanted to be with other than my partner. Then all of a sudden I hit a wall of frustration within my relationship and I stumbled across these feelings for someone I knew… He was so damn cute and hot and many things about him appealed to me on many levels. I wanted him bad. So I asked for permission to date him. Then I asked for permission to have sex with him. Then I said I liked poly and I wanted to do more of it. My partner said, “I just want you to be happy.” Thus my entry into the poly community such as it is. Things with the person I wanted first didn’t quite work as one might hope, but we are good friends and he is still a damn good lay. One that I have been thinking about very fondly for a bit. Hmmmm. Maybe he will be willing to let me have benefits?