This may or may not be my final announcement for this class in my lj. Depends on how panicky I get…. ACK!!!
The class will be $15 for non-Janus members. It is not yet 100% clear how many people I can get in. So if ya’ll want to go-let me know damn quickly!!!
It is next Thursday, August 5th in San Francisco. I will tell you that it is going to be near 8th and Folsom. (Those of you who can guess the location but aren’t Janus members shouldn’t just show up because they may or may not let you in.) Alternatively, I suppose I could start pairing people up with the Janus members I know. It wouldn’t be too hard for me. Remember this description? Bondage Basics
The doors open at 7 and the class runs from 8-10. I will somehow manage to not puke until 11.
I need one flexible boy and one flexible girl for demos!!!! I also want two girls who are going to the class anyway that I can dress up. You’ll like it! I promise! The girls for dressing up should be in the size 12/14 range or the stuff won’t fit. (I am being bigotted and saying I want flexible people for the demos because it is just easier to show stuff on people who are easy to move around. I will probably pull someone from the audience at some point who isn’t flexible and show a variation for those who aren’t bendy.)
ok, breathe. ok, breathe. oh god oh god oh god oh god.
This ends your public service announcement. *beeeeeep*
I’m a size 12 and I wanna go and I loooooove being dressed up
I am not at ALL flexible though.
If you want to pay you don’t need to be bendy.
You will just look pretty in cool clothes. I will see who else volunteers and then make a decision between who wears what outfit.
While we’re on the topic of bendiness… I think I’ve mentioned these pictures. (They’re work safe. And funny.)
Holy fucking shit. Ok, I normally don’t want to play with boys, but can I tie you up? Please? I could make you do all sorts of amusing things!!! Wow. Oh my god. Please please please let me use you as a demo? Please? Did I mention please?
(and no, not for cbt. That is a different class.)
Well, the class is in my schedule, and I do like saving money. *g*
you scare me, dear. but in, ya know, a good way
Well, I am demonic, as proven by the scary glowing eye in the second pic.
I am, of course, the demon who steals your socks while they’re in the dryer.
Sooooooo sad – I can’t go that day – I’ll be travelling with my moms.
I was actually going to try and get you do wear the chain outfit so we could use the full head harness and everything. (You don’t have much hair to deal with.) Oh well. Have fun sweet heart!
I’ll see you when you return.
How much ahead do you need to know? I realized that may be the night I’m stopping through the Bay Area on my way north from LA .
Sweetie, go play with family. I will find someone who will not quite fill your shoes.
Goodness knows there is no way I will find someone as cute as you are, but here’s hoping.
I am not as flexible as I used to be… but I can still put both my legs behind my head at the same time, and I can do the “reach over shoulder and behind back and clasp hands” thing.
Bendy enough for ya?
Ball tie. That’s what I think. Ball tie.
I’m assuming that you mean “a tie that compresses one into a ball”, not CBT. If so, then yeah, I’d probably fold down like that quite nicely. See the pics linked above. *g*
If I were smaller and more flexible, I might volunteer, but alas…I’m neither. Not inflexible, just not very bendy.
Willing and able
I am actually fairly flexible,must have been the gymnastics and yoga growing up. I would just need to make sure I made it to yoga that afternoon. I am close enough to you that we could practice before the class date if you would like. Let me know.
I love demoing for bondage classes and haven’t in forever.
I’d like to see the class, but I don’t want to demo for it. Please save me a spot if you can!
I love you. I would tell you no if you wanted to demo. I don’t want to top you!
You can learn tricks from me and use them on me later.
I’m ok with it.
You’re gonna knock ’em dead, baby, don’t you worry about a thing. It’s going to be a great class. I hope you’ll talk about it here when after it’s over.
I would like to attend, and I would like to bring my (male) SO – how can I get info about where to go, etc? Do we need to be Janus members to attend?
If you want, drop me a line at quixoticcat at gmail dot com and we can make whatever arrangements need to be made.
Thursday Aug. 5th… count me in if you have room. I’m very willing to pay my own way in, but would hate to wait around in the city after work if I can’t get in.
(Also willing to volunteer as a not so bendy example, if you don’t want to do a completely random pull from audience. If that makes it easier for you.)