Monthly Archives: October 2004


I keep thinking, “I should write about how dinner with Dad went.” I also keep thinking, “I should do x,y, and z homework assignments.” I am also thinking, “I should do laundry.”

I’m not doing much of anything. My brain is numb. I am so tired. I am so tired that I feel sad. This is no good.


Things that have been said to or about me.

“You are cute.”
“You are a keeper.”
“I like you, but you knew that.”
“Wow, you are a bitch.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“I trust you.”
“I hate you.”
“I want to fuck you.”
“I’ve climbed in bed with you and you didn’t jump me.”
“I will never forget you.”
“I’ve thought about you often over the years.”
“OHMYGOD you are good at this!!!”
“I miss you.”
“When can I see you?”
“You look like shit.”
“Go take a shower; you smell like sweat and sex.”
“I die in peace knowing your suffering has just begun.”
“It is all your fault.”
“I had a big crush on you.”
“I always respected you; I just didn’t know how to talk to you.”
“You were always so angry.”
“I have never heard you say you disliked anyone, so this is significant.”
“I am looking for the One. The one I will love and settle down with and marry. You will never be it.”
“You are intimidating.”
“I love you.”
“Welcome home.”

Overall, mostly positive. I guess I’m not as depressed. This is what I remember when I try to think of what people think of me. This means that my self-perception is currently rather positive. Yay.

babble babble babble

Tonight I got to go to the Plough. I showed up late and stayed late. I skipped a birthday party I had intended to go to. It was wonderful. I danced and danced and flirted and flirted. I felt these fresh bursts of love over and over for the wonderful men and women who call me friend and express their extreme delight in seeing me. I felt connections reforming and I welcome them. I felt so much love for so many people. I have the greatest friends. I often say that I am loved more than I deserve, tonight it was evinced once again.

Testing boundaries. I am getting myself into situations lately that are concerning people who love me. In all honesty, my first reaction was, “I don’t give a fuck.” But then I stopped and thought about it. All of the concern is motivated by love. Ok fine. I will explain then. Because I love the people who love me and I do understand the concern.

I am pushing limits and testing boundaries of what I have always said and thought I wanted for myself lately. In major, big, scary ways. I am taking the itty bitty shreds of rebellious/dangerous thoughts I have always had and I am expanding on them and acting on them. Why? You might ask… For lots of reasons. Because, “You should do one thing every day that scares you.” And I don’t scare easily. Because I want to see what pushing these boundaries will lead to. Because frankly, I have very little to lose right now. Ok, so people could decide to stop loving me because I am doing things they don’t approve of, but I don’t think I want that kind of love anyway. I have always done things that one person or another disapproves of. Because I want to see what I am capable of. Because I like hard core strange twisted things. Because the opportunities are coming up right when I am capable of following through with them. Because I have turned down many opportunities in the last few years because Tom wouldn’t approve and I don’t have that hanging over my head anymore. Because I’m not as good as people think I am. Because I am fucking sick of trying to be perfect. Because I want to have made mistakes of my own so that I don’t always wonder, “what if?”

I am taking risks, but not risks that are any more severe than any I have taken before. Really. I am doing my homework before I choose to take calculated risks. I don’t tend to talk about some of the really heavy duty sm I have done. I don’t talk about the physical risks I have taken. I don’t talk about the heavy duty humiliation play I get off on. People, I do all sorts of fucked up things. Don’t think that just because I haven’t talked about things that squick you before now that it means I don’t do such things. Relax. Everything will be ok. I go through phases. Every few years I need to take a bunch of big scary risks within a short period. In a few months I will chill out and it will be back to freakiness as usual.

more coherent explanation of the weekend.

“rolling around on the floor” I hate how that sounds, but it was essentially true I suppose.

I did dextromethorphan. Why did I do it? Because at this point in time I am going rapid fire through new experiences and drugs seem to be one of them. No, I am not going to try pcp or heroin. Jesus. I am doing my homework before I try things and I am staying away from things that are addictive, and I am watching doses to make sure I physically safe. I am also only experimenting when there is someone around who can help me stay safe. Most of the time, I am pretty confident in my ability to keep myself safe, but help is good sometimes.

Again, why did I do this one? I was told that it is a disassociative drug. What does that mean? You will feel cut off from everything around you. You will not experience any of your normal connections with your body. Hmmmmm. Weird. I tend to really like my body and focus on it almost to the point of ill-health. 🙂 So this would be something totally alien to me. The drug isn’t terribly toxic. I was very unlikely to damage myself long-term either physically or mentally so if I hated the trip I would just not repeat it. Things like acid often have flashback experiences later–that is scarier to me.

I had intended to only do a recreational dose and enjoy the “fun” feeling. After being on it for a few hours I wasn’t impressed with the recreational level and had a booster. (The low level dose originally was also to see if I had an enzyme that would have made my life suck while on the drug. Don’t have it. Yay.) I think that as far as recreation goes, I would rather drink than do dxm. It just wasn’t that impressive. And the puking was a decided disincentive. Yes. I threw up because of something I did recreationally. No, I’m not crazy. I had been told that I wouldn’t mind throwing up on dxm, and he was right. It was not nearly the unpleasant experience it normally is. In fact, it felt almost good. It felt good because my stomach had been hurting and I got to instantly feel better! That was kind of nice actually. The physical experience of vomiting was not anything like it usually is. Nothing grody in it. The vomiting associated with my booster really didn’t bother me at all. I was very particular about cleaning it up as well. *nod* I take such things seriously!

The first part of the trip was nothing to write home about. enh. Whatever. The second trip (when I hit the third plateau like a bullet train) was amazing. I hallucinated quite a bit. I understood what it meant to be out of my body. I had the most amazing dream-like experiences over and over. I had dozens or hundreds (I don’t remember well enough to know) amazing mini-trips. The patterns on the backs of my eyelids were entrancing and magical. I was encouraged down the hallway into the shower and that was the most incredible experience!!! The physicality of the drug was unparalleled and fantasmagorical as far as I am concerned. I loved it. Mentally it was a bit harder. I was told in advance that I would feel more distance from people in my life. I wasn’t sure how that was going to manifest. For me it manifested as, I intellectually know I love you, but really–I have no emotions toward you whatsoever right now. This barely existed during the trip and was mostly felt yesterday during the hangover. During the trip I didn’t have much interaction because I was firmly in my head.

So I spent some time yesterday sitting at Miss Jenny’s feet. Some time on the phone. Some time trying to feel my normal connections. It was hard. I think I was upset early in the day because my emotional connections are so important to me and I didn’t like not having them. But they came/are coming back. Given the after effects, was the trip worth it? Yes. Why? Because actually I kind of like the feeling that I am reestablishing that these people are important to me. I am going through a mental roster of people in my life and I am very consciously thinking about what kind of emotion I want to have toward them and I am thinking over and over why I want to feel that way towards them. I think it will take a few days. I like being deliberate in my connections though and so this is a very cool prompt for me.

Why do I love Noah? Why do I love Miss Jenny? Why do I love…. I actually really like this feeling. I am choosing my connections rather than having them just be unspoken. I get to decide if I love ‘x’ person. In an odd way I really like it.

Follow up to the general filter.

I am ok!

I didn’t mean that last post to sound so frightning for people! So I pulled it.

I was trying to accurately reflect the hodge-podgedness that was in my head. On one hand, I did reflect it fairly well. On the other hand… I guess other people are worried by what can go on in my head. I wasn’t upset. I wasn’t freaked out. I am probably going to write more about it, but that is going on the filter.

Really. I’m fine.

Filter update

I have created a new filter after some of my comments to the last entry.

If you want to read about stuff I am doing that may worry you, you can opt in. You can ask to opt in and I may decide that in this instance, I don’t want you knowing what I am doing.

Mostly this filter will be for recreational things I am doing that are questionably legal. In the main, if you ask I will assume you are an adult and you can handle it.

On random

In and out of focus. Shower, huddling, not scared.

Lights and patterns and distorted sound. I have heard this sound before but I do not know where or why. I have seen this before! Look! It is deja vu all over again!

Curled up in the fetal position. Every part of my body feels more alive than it has ever felt before. I can’t open my eyes. Yes I can; I just can’t see. A conversation. Feelings revealed: No. She does not want children. No. She doesn’t really want to align her life with them. She does not want to make the accomodations that are required. Will she do it anyway? Maybe. Depends on how much she loves the grown ups. More talking later. Communication. All of a sudden a family is born. It has been progressing that way for a while, but something flipped, befored the OJ so it wasn’t the OJ. We are Lost and Found. Are we? It fits. It feels right. So much feels right about this set-up. More communication needs to happen.

Arriving at the house. They are sleeping. They look so sweet asleep. I find myself loving them both, for different reasons in different ways. I don’t love her any more because she is his beloved, but just because she is worthy of being loved. Yes yes, everyone deserves love. Not everyone deservesmy love. She does. He does. Petty irritations of the past week and some aren’t so important anymore. Yes. I choose this. Yes, I want to be here. I was lost, and now I’m found.

“Welcome home,” said after sweet sex, I want to call it love-making, but it wasn’t gentle. Does it have to be gentle to be love-making?

Trips, and trails, and puppy dogs tails. That is what my Saturday night was made of. Ok, no puppy dog tails. Instead, admiring glances at the tail of a boy I have quite a high opinion of.

Cold, hot. wet. dry. Where am I? I have been here. I know here. I have never been here. Why do I know here?

“You can’t fuck me because there is no moisture left in my body.” Why don’t you know that when I say that I mean you should go get lube? Oh yeah, because you can’t read my fuzzy mind. Damn clarity. Pins and needles and scratchy itchiness. My head aches from the savageness of my nails across my scalp. My neck and back hurt, there are probably marks from my own nails.

Confused. Not really sad, but not quite happy either. Disconnected, connected, disaffected. But to whom/what do I direct my disaffectedness? I know not. Me maybe? I want. I want to be held and have my head stroked. I want to be talked to and not with. I want love and approval. I didn’t need to leave them, but I had to go home. This is my home now. Space. Inviolable space. Mine. Not to be shared. Well, at least not my room. The rest is shared. But that is inconsequential.

I want to be stroked and loved in my space. It isn’t going to happen tonight though. And that is ok. I don’t need it–it would just be nice.

Decisions are evil.

I hate decisions.

I don’t know what to do tonight. *grumble*

I’m not feeling up to hussling for dances tonight, so I feel like I shouldn’t go to FNW. Yet, I would kind of like to go. I would like to dress up and feel pretty. Yet, if I’m not up to hussling for dances I will end up not dancing and then I will feel like shit.

I could go to a dinenr party with people I don’t know as someones date. Erf. Dinno.

I could stay home. That may be the best option right now.

Miss BlackSheep posted an article on the other blog site about late term abortion.

I cried and cried and cried.

I want to curl up in someone’s arms right now.

Spreading the love (meme)

Pulled from…. people

1. Tell me one thing you love about me.

2. Tell me two things you love about yourself.

3. Look through the comments… when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them.

4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about YOU.


I just received this email:

I’m the Director of Marketing for We’re in the process of putting together some advertising (online banner ads, off line wall posters, etc.) and we wanted to use one of the quotes you provided on Tribe. I’d like to get your approval to use that quote and your first name our advertising. Would this be ok with you?

Here’s the quote:

I really like this movie. I’m going to have another movie night within the next few weeks to watch it again with some of the boys I’m sleeping with. (Wow, that makes it sound like a lot of them… oh wait… there are a lot of them…) – Krissy (3°), posted 9/16/04

If so, please let me know via email and if you can provide me with your full address I can send you a self-addressed envelope with a release form for you to sign.

I know this request may sound peculiar so please don’t hesitate to email me back or call me. My work email is ***

Thank you,

Darian ***
Director of Marketing


I think I’ll say yes. 😉


Ok people, I’m catching up on my net-crack and I really must point people at a blog.

Monk has one of the most awesome, entertaining, well-written, well-rounded blogs I have ever read. He is a big ol’ pervert, but absolutely a fantastic human being. I want to carbon copy him so that the bay area can have one.

Go read and giggle. Boys. Notice the secret weapon #4.

yay me.

I was reasonable. I got all upset about something earlier today. I had a weird bit of reaction to something first thing in the morning and it snowballed into me crying for a few hours and just generally being a big freak.

How did I deal with this you might ask? (Ok, you might not ask. But I’ll bloody tell you anyway.) I went to the person I was upset with. I said, “Wow. I’m really upset about this.” I brought data with me to illustrate what I was upset about.

We talked.

Stuff was resolved.

Go grown ups being responsible and shit.

A big chunk of it was me not understanding. A piece of it was was unclear communication. A smaller piece of it was a difference in value systems. Ok then.

All is well. And I didn’t post a hysterical rant about why he is an evil bastard. Go me. Cause he isn’t. I was just upset.

Meme crap before I go make my bed.

A – Age : 23
B – Band listening to right now : Toby Keith (Miss Jenny’s computer should stop skipping already!!!)
C – Career in future: Teacher
D – Dad’s name: Jim/James
E – Easiest person to talk to: I have to think about this. Probably Noah. He is the only person I don’t feel like I censor stuff to save his feelings.
F – Favorite song at the moment: “She Was the Prize” – Gaelic Storm
G – Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy Bears. Bite their heads off!!
H – Hometown: I was born in Canyon Country. But I think of Los Gatos as home.
I – Instruments: I have no talent. I suck.
K – Kids: I want them pretty fiercely. Now it is just a matter of finding the right boy to have them with.
L – Longest car ride ever: To Oklahoma with my mommy
M – Mom’s name: Vivian
N – Number of siblings: I have two living and one dead.
P – Phobia[s]: abandonment, ants.
Q – Favorite Quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
R – Reason to smile: No matter how much ickiness there is in my life, I have the most amazing support network in the world.
S – Song you sang last: Chrome- Toby Keith.
T – Time you wake up: Between 6:45 and 7 most days.
U – Unknown fact about me: hmmm. I’m too public. I send random cards because I like receiving them. Send off into the ether what you want to get kind of thing.
V – Vegetable you hate: onions.
W – Worst habit: Being judgmental.
X – X-rays you’ve had: Arms, dental, head?
Y – Yummy food: too many to name! Thai food.
Z – Zodiac sign: Virgo (Yes ted, Pisces) 🙂

Less sick. No dancing because it would be irresponsible, but fun will be had through less physical exertion.