So I’m going to be hanging out at home tonight. I will probably put a movie on. I will be baking haphazardly. I will be doing chain mail and/or knitting.
Anyone want to come over?
So I’m going to be hanging out at home tonight. I will probably put a movie on. I will be baking haphazardly. I will be doing chain mail and/or knitting.
Anyone want to come over?
Ya know, Lauren and I (and other people, don’t know who at the moment) are going to Palo Alto to see the midnight showing of… uh… some random 3D porn, you’re welcome to come with. 😉
Oh, so do you think it’s in poor form that I’m really tempted to bring a squirt gun filled with Lubriderm to the theater? =P (I’m kidding, btw)
You could come to FNW with us….
I appreciate the sentiment sweetie. Sleep I must. You said the word “migraine” this morning and my head has ached all day.
Ack! I take it back, I take it back!
Yah, I know you said “who wants to come over?” and not “who wants me to come over?” but I thought it was worth a try. I hope you feel better soon.
Oh, and I promise next time I’ll say “orgasm” instead.
That I don’t have any problem with.
Hmm, FNW? Is that…
Ferocious Nocturnal Wilderbeasts?
Fantastic Nude Women?
Friendly Neighborhood Watch?
Fanboys Never Wait?
France Needs Water?
Okay, I give up. FNW?
Wow, I like some of yours much better than the reality. (That was meant to be a reply to.) 😉
Hehe, I know, I’m just selectively nosey. =]
Thank you, but I am so tired. I really need extra sleep.