On my friends-list I noticed that someone offered to express appreciation of people wanted it. I decided that doing that smack of consent and forget that noise.
So here we go, in brief: some measure of appreciation for everyone on my friends-list.
14cyclenotes, I appreciate that you are willing to keep trying to keep in touch with me though I am not good about keeping in touch with you. I like you and respect you and so I feel quite honored by your efforts.
aargnzarf, Dude. You still want to know me? You knew me when I was this horrible spaz and freaked out and you still like me? Thank you.
ailurodragon, I appreciate your willingness to talk about me doing something that isn’t ok with you. You didn’t just yell at me and tell me that I violated your boundaries, you asked me, “WTF” and then listened with your whole heart to my answer. Thank you.
akienm, I appreciate possibilities and beginnings. I appreciate being appreciated.
aneska_, You are so nice. I appreciate that you always have a smile and a friendly word. Please don’t take that as pressure to never have a bad day!
angelbob, Oh god. This is War and Peace. You don’t get a real entry. You know how I feel about you. Please don’t stop being in my life. I need you.
angelkatharine, You dance with me! You don’t tell me that my lead sucks! Thank you.
angeltrue, I apreciate being flirted with in pubs in far away places. (ok, not that far away… but still….)
atziluth, I appreciate the energy you poured into me. I don’t think you know how much it has meant to me. I’m sorry that I hurt you.
auros, You have cool lj entries. You cook well. I worship you though I don’t display it often.
barelyproper, You are one of the kindest people I have ever met. In my next life I want to have a smidgen of your sweetness. In this life, I feel I’m doomed.
bdsmpublisher, I appreciate your willingness to work for the community in the way you have. And I appreciate you holding my legs still while hot girls hurt me and I would really appreciate if you ever did more of the hurting yourself and…. *swoon*
bk2w, You are very sweet. I appreciate your good humor as I have done things in your house you may not have been into.
blacksheep_lj, I love you. It’s as simple as that. I’m not sure how it happened… You are just one of those internet chicks, yet you became very important. You get into people with your whole self and it has made me feel very special. Thank you.
blate, My dear, wonderful Alex. I love you. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for not getting sick of my shit. Thank you for putting up with my moods and tantrums and breakdowns and stupidity. I don’t know what I would do without you.
bluegreysky, I appreciate your willingness to let me steal your panties. It was hot.
boxofchaos, You restore my hope in humanity. You let me Believe. I appreciate your commitment to the things that you believe in.
boymeat, I appreciate your willingness to beat the snot out of me. I appreciate that you let me see your inner thoughts when you are having a very bad day. It allows me to feel like I matter.
brehen, Thank you for restoring my faith in fairies.
britgeekgrrl, Thank you for being unabashed about never remembering me. It gives me leeway to feel slick.
brjulia, I love you. I miss you. I appreciate the growth you have helped me attain over the years. I appreciate your willingness to always fling your front door open and welcome me in for as long as I need.
capnkjb, I appreciate your sense of humor. It is very different than mine, but it is funny non-the-less.
celledhor, I appreciate your subtle flirting. I appreciate your extreme devotion to your wife. I appreciate seeing concretely that there can be a very good looking man out there who really is a one-woman-man and is delighted beyond measure about it.
christophera_, I appreciate that you want to read me.
cortneyofeden, I appreciate you never getting mad at me about introducing your husband to people as, “The guy I slept with in high school,” many wives would not think that was funny….
cos, You are bouncy and cute. Don’t ever stop.
courtneydisney, I appreciate the girls. Oh My God do I appreciate them.
cyan_blue, I appreciate that you are willing to serve your community in the way you do even though it interferes with your social life. It is so important. Thank you.
cygnet_47, I have appreciated knowing you over the years. You are yummy, and smart, and affectionate, and supportive.
cyranocyrano, You are so fucking good for my ego. Thank you.
daddydarin, I appreciate that you welcome me with open arms despite not knowing me that well. It is really nice to feel the unconditional love.
danaeris, You follow your passion. Go you.
danaoshee, Dude! I can’t believe you are a pervert!!!! *grin* Thank you for finally taking your clothes off in front of me. *Swoon*
darkmas, Thank you for showing me that there are people who are into TPE the way I am.
davetoo, You can stroke my ego anytime. You tell me things that are so sweet and supportive and you say them as if they are ‘well duh’. It feels nice.
dawnd, Thank you for taking me home with you.
deyo, *grin* Thanks for the affection. I miss you. When can we run into one another?
diabhol, I appreciate another pervy libertarian. There need to be more of us.
ditenebre, Another book. Thank you for being my cheerleader. Thank you for sharing yourself and your hurts. I feel honored.
eastbaygreg, Thank you for turning me down. (Do you even read this? I’m totally being a smart ass.)
eeyore42, You always have a smile. You are one of the people that I like running into because you ascribe to the “If you see someone without a smile, give them yours” motto.
ef2p, Thank you for becoming my friend after years of absense after not really knowing one another anyway… It has been awesome.
emmett_the_sane, I appreciate anyone who worships his partner the way you do. It is inspiring.
ensesq, I don’t know you. So yeah. Hi?
fan_boy, Dude. cuteness knows no limits.
flavoroflove, I appreciate that you do things rapidly and make mistakes sometimes and admit them. It gives me courage to do the same.
flyinamazon, You are one of the first people I met in the scene. You are one of the people I always seem to come round to. You are a wonderful sounding board and support network. You are smart and funny. I appreciate your cynacism. I am looking forward to seeing you.
foamslice, Yayyy new support. I appreciate that you give of yourself so easily. It makes giving back to you just as easy.
frskychik, It has been fun to talk to you when I have.
fyfer, You are very down to earth. I appreciate the grounding influence you have on pretty much any environment you are in.
genderfur, Dude. You rock my socks off. You found me through a mailing list and have become an extended support network person. How did you do that?! *hugs*
girlpurple, I appreciate your devotion to purple. If I put you and my brother in a room together all the purple in the entire world would leech into the small space and the rest of the world would have to learn how to cope without it.
griqkincaid, I appreciate that you ask permission.
imp_of_satan, I loved meeting you when you were a litte baby perv. I love seeing you now in all your grown-up pervy glory. I really really appreciate when I run across pictures of you randomly and get to squeak, “I know her! Not only is she Gorgeous!! She is Nice!”
jaguarnoelle, New person. I appreciated playing dress up with you.
james_p, I’ve liked our conversations. Yay.
jamescarrington, I appreciate your willingness to love me.
japlady, heh. This could be amusing. Instead I will just say: You don’t back down from a fight. Go You.
jimweasel, I appreciate your willingness to kiss Joe. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou *drool*
jkuroda, Thank you for stroking my ego. You are gorgeous, smart, nice, and complimentary. How could you be improved upon?
joedecker, Thank you for wanting to make me scream.
just_joolie, I appreciate you sharing yourself.
karenbynight, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Thank you for being you and letting me be near you. I think you are amazingly spiffy and just being in the same room with you is a privelege.
kbgilmore, I appreciate hot tubs and rubs and talking and the fact that you shared your children with me.
kerigirl, You love me. With no reservations. It is amazing.
kikipopo, I appreciate you loving Lauren. It is really awesome to watch.
kittengrrrl, Thank you for letting me see you.
knaveofhearts, I appreciate the chance to learn about a new person.
knightca, You keep asking me to dance even though I am a flakey bitch.
labelleizzy, You haven’t shot me yet for not finishing the lesson plan….
lady_phoenixice, You are supportive without even knowing me. Thank you!
laurelt, I appreciate the clue-by-four. I will never admit it again.
littlejohnnyyen, Thank you for getting an lj just because you wanted to read me.
lolitasir, I appreciate that you are willing to share yourself with the masses. I know that I enjoy reading about your life. I have appreciated every one-on-one conversation we have had. I hope we get more in the future.
loren_q, I appreciate that you will let me grab your ass. *swoon* More important, though, is your friendship. You are an amazing woman. Thank you.
loupyone, You are hotness personified. And you can lift me up. What isn’t there to like?!
lrc, Thanks for letting me think about being a Nexxus.
luwenth, You don’t read this so you don’t get one. But I appreciate….. specific things about you….
lyahdan, I appreciate gorgeous women who can dance. This means that you are very damn spiffy in my book.
malixe, Thank you for letting me see the world through your eyes sometimes. Thank you for hurting me.
mandameow, Hello there pretty kitty. I appreciate you sharing yourself and your partner with me. You, for the spiritual connection I have appreciated so far. Your partner… more for the physical. Hopefully I will get to physically appreciate you more with time. I also hope that I get to spend time with you in a non-crowd oriented situation sometime soon so that we can actually talk.
meerkat299, Thank you for becoming such an awesome grown up. I have liked what I have seen of you. Thank you for being a pretty teenager and letting me take illicit pictures of you.
melimus, Thanks for being kind to me.
mikz, You put yourself out there and try scary things. It is amazing to watch.
mishaneah, You are a spaz. I like that.
misterajc, I didn’t ever think I would know you. Now I do. It is very cool. No. You don’t get to lick my ear.
mistermerlin, You are interesting to be around. I always enjoy my time around you because I wonder what will happen next.
mistressmatisse, I don’t even know what to say. I appreciate that you have let me know you. I hope it doesn’t go away.
mitrian, I appreciate your wiggling. Often. Sometimes I close my eyes and appreciate it when you aren’t around.
mortalcity, You are one of my roll models. You are living life how you want to. I respect that. Not to mention that I think you are totally hot.
mrrazor, Thank you for sharing yourself with me. *lick* *purr* Thank you for showing me that I want to be a Pleasure Kitten.
mzmtnlion, I have appreciated your candor and esteem over the years. Not to mention enjoying looking at you.
nicolle, I liked talking to you and watching your eyes get big at the party when I met you.
noirem, You know how much I appreciate you and why. Thank you for being my friend. *hug*
notmy_realname, You are the only man I know who will let me kick him in the balls. WOW. You are special.
oldtdevil, You are tenacious. I can appreciate that.
paradoxbacklash, Anyone who will get a tattoo based on an RPG is a very interesting guy.
parthenogenocid, You are a freak of the first order. And you don’t read this unless I tell you to, so it doesn’t matter what I write.
pasuuna, diiiiiiiirty thoughts. Yeah I appreciate you.
paulaandandrew, Paula, I appreciate that you are trying to figure things out even though it is hard. You are more inspirational than you know.
phantomdancer, Everyone needs to have a phantom in their life.
plymouth, You are bendy and go deeply into space when you are restrained properly. That is Hot.
pmg206, STICKERS!!!!
polkamadness, You seem to like me. I appreciate it though I can’t figure out why you do… You are also very fun to tease.
polly_perverse, I worship the ground you walk on. I want to be like you when I grow up.
porgypie, Yummy boy. I appreciate that you let me flirt with you. I appreciate it more when you flirt back.
princeofwands, Oh goodness. There are not words to express how much I want to have you do evil things to me. But yeah. That is topping from the bottoming. So I’ll shoosh now.
pusifoot, I appreciate kittykats. And you are an especially adorable one.
random_vamp, You are very cute and level-headed. An odd combination that I really respect.
ravenslost, I appreciate that you ask for what you need. It is good stuff.
ribbin, I appreciate snuggles in a really cold tent. I appreciate long chats. I appreciate it when you slow down enough for me to understand you during said chats.
risingphoenix13, I appreciate touches and flirting and knowing that you exist.
rjray, I appreciate being remembered.
rose42dance, Hey! You got an apartment with me! Thank you!
sarahh, Oh pretty lady, how I have loved starting to get to know you. Thank you for sharing you.
satyrlovesong, You are hot stuff and very compatible with me. Yummy.
scotchkitten, Thank you for sharing yourself.
serenegarden, I have no idea why you want to read this. But you answer my polls and I appreciate it!
shalyndra, Thank you for letting me learn more about you. I have thought you were interesting over the years and reading your journal has been very cool.
shhhon, Thank you for teaching classes and putting yourself out there in the community. You are very needed and special.
sillymesaysme, Thank you for letting me talk dirty to you. I appreciate hearing what you think about it.
talleyrand, You are hotness personified. Thank you for the links to the story sites. Thank you for hours and hours of stimulating conversations.
teamnoir, I appreciate that you think I’m just a dumb kid. It gives me so much slack! *grin* Thank you for taking nice pictures of me. Thank you for being supportive.
temperedmetal, I don’t know you at all. But yeah… you answer polls, so thanks.
terpsichoros, Your friendship has meant so much to me in the past year. You introduced me to dancing. Thank you. I owe you a lot.
terson, Your words are magical.
tigman, I like talking to you. Flirting with you was a blast when it happened. I miss talking to you.
tonyawinter, Thank you for being a sexual radical. I appreciate them.
trulydoolally, Thank you for inviting me to your parties!! They are becoming way good for my social life.
tsgeisel, You see many sides of me and do not judge. Thank you.
tshuma, You are one of those “too good to be true” people. Oh- I wasn’t able to help you have a birthday party, but I did find something that was Perfect for you in Ireland. I actually purchased it on your birthday. Must see you soon…
twistedmonk, Thank you for giving me more things to think about while I wank.
unseelie23, You have been supportive and sweet. I’m sorry I moved away from the enclave.
urbanbard, I have appreciated your brutality. And your faith. What a combination.
valiaderekin, I appreciate your wardrobe. You are one of the only people I know who has more clothes than me.
veryloki, I appreciate your enthusiasm for the polka.
wheresjuantoday, I appreciate that anyone could mistake me for Maggie Gyllenhaal. It was very flattering.
willrabbit, Thank you for teaching classes. I will be sorry to not see you anymore. I like your style by far the best.
wordweaverlynn, Thank you for inviting me to your home. I always appreciate it.
xarnix, I love your smile. It is sweet and kind. I adore your hugs. I am so happy that you seem to be getting the attention you deserve.
yanijc, You put up with so much from me. How can I ever repay you?
zhaneel69, Thank you for letting me read your words. Good stuff.
zikzak5, Thank you for taking me to Alaska. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being willing to put your cynicism aside briefly so I can have my optimist moments.
I was going to say something about consent and smacking you, but then I read the rest of the entry and Awwwwwww. (:
You were going to say?
wow… thats one of the most wonderful things I have ever seen. mind if I steal the idea?
Please do! *hug*
Y’know, I always was. I was just quiet about it.
I mean, back when you first met me I believe I’d already bought furry cuffs at renfaire and was trying, mostly failing, to get sarah interested in anything of the sort. (somehow, even if someone’s willing to tie you up, it really just doesn’t work if they didn’t want to do it particularily.)
And I already had my little collection of Pat Califia books…so, yeah. I’ve known I was a pervert – and, moreover, known the community was out there waiting for me – since I was 16 or so. I just couldn’t get involved with it til I left sarah, because I *also* knew that my self control had limits. I mean, after I started gaming, I didn’t go to any parties with that group until I left sarah either.
But I still don’t see why I surprised you so much.:)
It’s that whole, “quiet about it” bit. I am really kind of a dumbass about things. I get categories in my head, and whether or not they are based on reality they exist. I had you pegged as a ‘nice, normal girl’ and whether you deserved the title or not… there it was…
ha ha ha!
*raised eyebrow*
S’ok. You have another week’s grace b/c we’re forced to have finals next week so I couldn’t start the new lesson if I wanted to. Which I would rather do than hold finals but whatcha gonna do?
If you could slide some of the weblinks you’ve found in my direction I’ll do some more prepwork with my kids asap.
Thank you dahlink for collaborating!
Thanks a lot. I’m intrigued that that’s the perception you have, because I’m not sure what chances I’ve had to give that impression. It’s a big compliment, though.
I just need to work on making sure “down to earth” doesn’t turn into “boring” these days… so strange to have so little in my life that would weird people out.
Well, it is something you haven’t consciously done. When you enter into a conversation, the tone often mellows. You speak quietly and with authority and people will shut up in order to hear you better.
I notice.
It’s no work at all, dear.
Thank you for your kind words. We will have more in the future!
risingphoenix13, I appreciate touches and flirting and knowing that you exist.
Ahhhhhh… You know, we should find some time where neither of us aren’t busy and do something;).
Hahahaha. I’ve been saying that for *years*…. [g]
Yeah. What genderfur said.
You are welcome. :-).
I love you, too. Yeah, I don’t know how it happened either. Thanks for being an amazing person and for helping me to be able to be really open about some things I was afraid to face.
You are sweetness personified. Thank you muchly.
That was the nicest thing ever! Man! You rock my world so hard.
I needed that this week darlin’, thank you very much.
I appreciate your vocabulary!
Really, I do!
You may borrow my vocabulary anytime you like.
Very sweet, darlin’, thank you…
My ass appreciates you too
Thank you for this, it really means a lot. You don’t falsely flatter, or falsely anything else, I really like that about you.
And I’m really glad to be seeing more of you lately
Thank you :^)
bwahahaha! thanks
Hee hee thank you for the nice words and no I won’t