I just decided to go through and notice: Oh! I have been friended!
Who in the hell are you people?!!??!! You haven’t been reading much that was interesting. Why did you stay? Hopefully it just got more interesting.
Ok: filters and how they work. My filters are mostly opt-in. I may toss you in on one or more if I think you want to hear it, but mostly… yeah you have to say you want it.
I have dirty. (This is generally slightly racy stuff that I think a couple of people don’t want to see. Most people default into this filter but if for some reason you strike me as SHOCKABLE I leave you out.)
I have even dirtier. (This is generally graphic details of my sex life.)
I have insecurity babbling.
I have relationship updates. (I do this one mostly so that I keep track of things for myself. I hate my memory.)
I have my foreys into trying less than wholesome substances. (This filter is small. You can ask to be in it, but I might still decide I don’t want you seeing that.)
I have my RANT filter.
Do you want to see any of this crap? You have to ask or I won’t assume.
definitely not shockable ;^)
You may place me on any filter that you feel comfortable with at this time. I don’t guarantee I’ll read everything you write (I skim a lot, for time reasons), but what I do read will help me to get to know you better. If, after reading any of them for a while, I decide that I don’t want to read them anymore, I’ll let you know.
Re: definitely not shockable ;^)
Awesome possum.
They all sounded kinda familiar, so I think I’m already there, but just in case … for the record, you may place me in any filter you are comfortable having me in.
add or not as you like.
and I hope you know who I am
I suspect the picture would jog her memory if she didn’t.
Hmm, or shut down brain function altogether as drooling kicks in.
huh? who? what?
Yep. I recognize some of them. Some of them I don’t. Put me where you want me, baby.
Seriously, if you can shock me, it will be more from the surprise that you managed to than from whatever it is you’ve written.
I *think* I’m already on everything. Anything I’m not, I’d be happy to be
But then, I’m pretty darn sure you already knew I was reading you
I just can never resist piping up with “ooh! ooh! Show me everything!”
You can place me on any filter you’re comfortable with as well.
I believe tht I am in a good chunk of these, but if there are any that I am not in and you feel like including me, please do. (BTW – thank you for the appreciation. It was a much needed and very welcomed warm-fuzzy!)
You know who I am, but I don’t know which filters I’m not in. I probably won’t read everything, but I’m interested in all of them at least a bit.
Everything, please.
ooh ooh! pick me! pick me!
I would love to read anything you’re willing to share with me
Oh, can I be on it?
Can you be on what?
Well, that’s open to the invitation…
But I was refering to the filter;).
I’ll chime in with the rest of them. I ‘friended’ you because it seemed a good way to get to know you a bit better.
How much you want me to know….is up to you.
Your Journal, your decision
And you know me, by now. So, you know how delicate my ladylike sensibilities are. I’m appalled that the youngsters these days seem to flit about KISSING on the first date! And without a chaperone! Well, I never! In *my* day, you’d never hear of such a thing. People waited until they were married fir that sort of thing and then traded their husbands off to the rubber academy so they could learn to excel in useful things, like cleaning ladies boots with their tongues.
Re: Your Journal, your decision
Shoosh Miss Dyed-in-the-Wool Masochist.
I like gossip, and rants. I’m also more interested in drugs than sex.
It makes me very very sad that you aren’t more interested in sex. *sniff*
Lounge-chair Voyeur
Given the ease of living vicariously through your life and LJ postings, I like reading as much as lil’ ol’ me can read — the more the merrier, always. My sensibilities and sense of shock died years ago, so no worries about offending, surprising or upsetting moi…. thus, do your worst! Add me to everything you dare!
Pretty sure I’m where I wanna be… needless to say dirty, dirtier are, ummm, intriguing. Hey where’s the ‘we actually made them turn around’ post?
I want it all baby. In general I want in. Might as well assume that about me.
I wanna be on all the filters
bring it!
sex, insecurity, altered states are all fine with me… I post about the last two, at times…
You are in, btw…
I want them all! I’m just greedy when it comes to you, I guess…
I think you see everything.
I can’t wait to see you!!
I forget if I responded. You know, of course, that I want to be on any and all filters you feel comfortable having me on.
You should be in on stuff.
I beleive I have said as much before, but I would like to read all your “crap”. I enjoy reading your journal, especially since it is the main way I have to getting to know you. It works for me actually, as I am often quite literally better in writing. You don’t get the mumbling and the stuttering of the random inane things that come out when my mind goes blank.
I am sure I will be seeing more of you in not too long though, we do keep “bumping” into each other. As for the Sunday you mentioned, it could be possible, although I work until 5:00. E-mail me (mandameow@sbcglobal.net) or tribe me or something. ::smooch::
I’m interested in any filters you’re comfortable putting me on.
I’m gonna do a filter post soon, and then you can pick which you want to be on.
Let me see it all…. :p
Don’t I wish…
My motto is, TMI is never enough.
Please include me on any filters that you feel comfortable doing so with. I want to hear it! This includes the babbling and the rants as well.
Feel free to put me on whatever. I can skip whatever doesn’t interest me, but you know, I’m generally interested in graphic details of peoples sex lives
Oh really…
Hit me with all you’ve got :-).
Um, if I’m not on all these filters, I’d like to be.
Especially the less than wholesome substances one. I got experience in that arena and am always interested in helping people there.
If I am on all these filters, then blame my terrible memory and the fact that I’m kinda drunk right now. *shrug*
S’all good. You’s on things.
Thanks for the friending!
Since I don’t know you too well, I’d like to go ahead and opt-in to all the filters I can. I’m not shockable; I’m an owned sub; I like reading explicit sexy stuff; I’m pretty good at not taking things personally; and I don’t gossip.
If you add me and I decide later it’s not what I’m interested in, I will request to be removed.
The only opt in filter I have is one where I babble about recent divorce stuff.
Well – I’m about as unshockable as it comes… and I tend toward prefering to read about “whole people” not just one aspect. So, I’d be quite happy to be in as many of the filters as you feel comfortable putting me in. Having partaken of a few “less than wholesome substances” myself, I promise not to freak out on you.
I understand, of course, that you don’t know me from Edam, although I’m pretty Gouda… sorry. I get punnish sometimes.
Anyways – up to you, of course.
I don’t necessarily tell you everything about my sex life. I’m happy to read anything you’re willing to share with me. Consider me fully opted in, eyes open, ready to take notes.
Alright… you asked for it…
Give it all to me!
Well that means you will get to see my most recent porn.
If you are really sure…
Right, so I replied to your reply to my comment through my email account, but I have no way of knowing whether or not it actually got back to you…so my apologies if you did in fact get that reply – I’m putting it here as it (mostly) pertains to this post.
I will happily read any and all filters that you are comfortable with me reading. I don’t phase easily, and judging people and/or spreading rumors and gossip really isn’t my thing…I have far too many of my own dark secrets and deep guilts to feel comfortable doing so. Ultimately, however, it’s your journal and thereby your call (obviously). But don’t worry that you’re going to corrupt or shock me…for some reason, my reputation is a lot more innocent than I am.
Mae West said it better than I can: “Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.”
Oh, and as for life…it is good, if busy (which to some degree is how I like it). And I am flattered to hear that you were asking after me. Maybe I’ll actually cross paths with you one of these days.