Alright, I hate asking for help. But I need to do it.
My wireless is messed up and I can’t get my damn printer to work. Help. Please.
And you thought it would be something serious…… HA!
Alright, I hate asking for help. But I need to do it.
My wireless is messed up and I can’t get my damn printer to work. Help. Please.
And you thought it would be something serious…… HA!
Akien’s not awake yet. But when he is, I’ll see if he has any advice.
icon lurve!
–another squirrel feeder
yay squirrel lovers!
Squirrel is my totem. :^D Go check out my other icons for a couple of other squirrels. One of these days I need to update my icons with some others I’ve found. Oh to have unlimited time… ;^)
Re: yay squirrel lovers!
Rabbit. I need to do research on rabbits.
Re: yay squirrel lovers!
Yeah, and figure out if it’s a rabbit, or a hare. Quite different for totem purposes. :^)
Re: Hares vs Rabbits
I’m not sure yet if it is a rabbit or a hare, but for totem purposes I’m finding out more about rabbits.
“Rabbit: fear, timidity, nervousness, humility
Rabbit’s medicine includes moving through fear, living by one’s own wits, receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages, quick thinking, strengthening intuition, and paradox. Rabbit also represents humility, because he is quiet and soft and not self-asserting. Rabbit reminds us not to be afraid. Fearful thoughts reproduce (like rabbits) and bring the very thing we fear. Rabbit people are so afraid of tragedy, illness, and disaster, that they call those very fears to them to teach them lessons. If you see Rabbit or in any way feel attracted to him, it may be telling you to wait for the forces of the universe to start moving again, to stop worrying and to get rid of your fears. It always indicates a need to re-evaluate the process you are undergoing, to rid yourself of any negative feelings or barriers, and to be more humble. “
“If the rabbit has only recently come to you as a totem animal, you may have
too often adopted the role of a victim in personal and business relationships.
Rabbit will guide you into a new mindset that will enable you to regain status
without resorting to low-level negativity Rabbit is the eternal optimist, and this
spirit helper will not tolerate depression and defeatism.”
“Lucky Rabbit
The rabbit is very lucky in love. Keep a rabbit close to help overcome fear. The rabbit is the symbol of vigilance.
Rabbit Totem
The Rabbit survives by its wits and is a quick thinker. He is often associated with timidity and fear. This can remind us to move forward despite our fears and use our intuition to get through difficult situations.”
“The Hare
The hare represents fear. Its constant terror of being killed and devoured by a larger animal means that it attracts these animals almost magically, and that what it fears most will certainly come to pass.
What you expect usually happens in this world, and the hare, therefore, teaches that what you fear the most will most likely happen. Try not worry that you might be struck by illness or some other misfortune, because otherwise you will just attract such events. This is proof of the universal law that you are always the cause of what happens to you.”
“Hares or Rabbits: are particularly important animals to some witches as folklore tells that many witches could transform themselves into hares to cause mischief or to do their magical work (just remember this is folk lore—a symbol, not a fact). The Hare, along with its ability to shape-change, is also a symbol of fertility and creativity. The reason that the Hare symbolises fertility is because Hares and Rabbits have the ability to produce the most offspring in a year of all of the animal kingdom. The symbol of the March Hare bringing in the spring is a very old Pagan representation and this symbol then became late in Christian times, the Easter Bunny. The Hare is wild and cannot be tamed for certain but the Rabbit is more easily domesticated.”
Re: Hares vs Rabbits
Very interesting indeed.
Hey, wireless issues ARE serious.
Why do you think I asked!!!
I hate this cord.
All fixed.
Actually…. yeah… the wireless is pissy again. *sigh*