I’m feeling very faux

For breakfast I have:
Potatoes (pre shredded cause I’m a lazy git)
Fake bacon (it’s really good)
Egg Beaters

Non-fat, light yogurt and strawberries
Non fat milk
Light Orange Juice

Somehow… this breakfast feels inauthentic… (I couldn’t decide what I wanted, so I had smaller sizes of everything. )

6 thoughts on “I’m feeling very faux

  1. blacksheep_lj

    Everything sounds yummy except the light yogure -the fake sweetener tastes weird to me. But I’ll have to check out the fakin’ bacon. All this talk of healthful eating has me thinking about including more soy in my diet.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I didn’t start eating yogurt until I was counting calories so this is the only kind I have really eaten. Now normal yogurt tastes funny. I only really like the strawberry flavored one.


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