weekend +

I want to write a long, beautiful, interesting story about my play this weekend but I am feeling totally blocked. You all get a short and more choppy story about What I Did Last Weekend. Cause I do want to share the basics anyway.

Friday I went over to the house of a couple I am spending time with. It was good. Hot tubs are my friend. Sex is really really really my friend. They have been entirely the extent of my sexual experience since James and I broke up. So spending time with them is Good. (I’m uhm… starting to get wacky about really freakin wanting more sex again. Apparently )

Saturday I went to the Fezzi’s cast party. It was kind of odd for most of the day. I had trouble for most of the party because I just wasn’t feeling comfortable. I realized how few people there I know. I just don’t do a good job of meeting new people and actually communicating with them in large group settings. Eventually the full contact Wink game started though and it was waaaay fun. I really had a good time. The flirtation was very good for my ego. There was one guy in particular with whom I flirted significantly and it was goodness. It was interesting to me how many people really didn’t want to play and I would love to hear their individual reasons. Not that I want to judge those reasons, I just want to hear them so I can think about them.

After the cast party I went and picked up a wonderful woman. We went to the Citadel. I got to introduce her to some of my wonderful friends and we played a very silly game of checkers with M&M’s. After my work shift (I’m poor these days…) we went downstairs and negotiated play. I want to talk about my motivations and what I interpreted as hers, but… I can’t find the words to do it well and I don’t want to do it badly. I tied her up. I caned/spanked/cropped her until she had some pretty freakin serious marks. I was impressed with her tolerance. It was a heady scene. I felt very special because she trusts me enough to play with me like that. I am grateful that I was allowed to give her this experience. See—service top. I took her home and tucked her into bed. It was good.

Sunday was good. I went into the city and helped a really nice scene person with moving for an hour and a half. It wasn’t that much time, but I got to spend time talking with a really great lady that I respect enormously. I have always wanted to be close to her so getting to spend time with her is fantastic. Then I headed back to the east bay to spend time with Darin and Keri. We talked and cuddled and went to a movie with another Daddy and boy. I saw Racing Stripes! It was so cute. After the movie I went back to the city (bridge tolls suck) and picked up Molicious and we went to the Liquid Munch. Good times. I am currently in a weird flirtation thing with a guy that I have known for years. I have a tremendous crush on him. He will taunt me at the munch, but he doesn’t seem to have an interest in asking me out. Boo. L Even when Andrew tells him that he needs to ask me out. Oh well.

It was a really good weekend.

Then Monday I got to explore figging. I thought it was going to be much more fun than it was. I think that I didn’t enjoy it much because we were just sort of fooling around and it was uncomfortable in a boring way. I tore too much and it sucked. I felt distracted by the ‘plug’ feeling of it and the burning feeling was unremarkable. I lost my headspace to play as an equal with the girl I was doing it with. We had really great sex until we got to my share of receiving and then I just went down hard and never came back up. It was annoying. I was glad to get to spend time getting to know her more. I look forward to spending more time with her.

Then I had dinner with a friend, then I went to the Plough and danced every dance. It was good. Yay.

Last night I cancelled plans with a truly gorgeous man (he seriously has the body of a god) to spend time with Rebecca. She needed it. I brought her over to see a new friend. He was good to both of us. Yay!

Today I exercised with black sheep and had lunch with a group of people I don’t know and probably won’t spend time with again and got sunburned before coming to class.

Oooohh—the sunburn. I am participating in a medical study to test pain tolerance and sensitivity/effectiveness of medications. So they are going to hurt me and pay me for it. I can handle that. It is going to last for a month. I may post more information about it as I go…

This coming weekend I am seeing Angel and having dinner with him before I go to FNW. This may involve hot monkey sex. After FNW I may head down to a Burner party before coming home to crash.

Saturday is the Pryankster party and a birthday party in Davis. Sunday is a date with Duck Boy.

Somewhere in there I want to help Jefe with painting over at his house… somehow… oy. Lotsa stuff. And I know I’m forgetting things. Woof.

7 thoughts on “weekend +

      1. angelbob

        Re: figging?

        In my (limited) experience, figging becomes *far* less interesting/pleasant for the person if there are tears in the anal tissue. That might mean that you’re especially prone to a bad experience that way. I also found it worked much better with other sensation to distract, so figging-plus-hard-caning was (oddly) *much* more tolerable to the person in question than just figging.

  1. anima_fauxsis

    “Oooohh—the sunburn. I am participating in a medical study to test pain tolerance and sensitivity/effectiveness of medications. So they are going to hurt me and pay me for it. I can handle that. It is going to last for a month. I may post more information about it as I go…”
    this gives new meaning to servise sub, it would seem. 🙂
    Bummer about mr munch man, though. I wonder if maybe he’s mending from his past relationship and so giving lots of space? dunno.

    Anyhoo, I just got offered free admittance to SIN if I go painted all green and be one of the painted babe entourage. Hmmmm. I’ve never gone, but thinking it would be fun. I’d like to go with Paul, but I don’t know if I can drag him. If I get permission, do you want to go?


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