I just pissed off some guy who wanted a date…

But oh well.

I have observed over the years that when it comes to becoming involved with a new person, either they have to join my social group or I have to join theres. It is basically impossible to have a relationship where neither is willing to do this. I have often been the one to join the new social group, but yeah… it is getting to the point where I don’t want to join any new ones. I really like the people I have in my life and I already don’t have enough time to spend with them. Spreading myself any more thin would be just not possible.

So I guess that means people either come with me to my events, or… yeah. That’s the option for a while.


5 thoughts on “I just pissed off some guy who wanted a date…

      1. lady_phoenixice

        I think he should realize that you have a full life/schedule and can’t commit to more than what you can commit to… it’s not your* fault you don’t want any more friends, you should be able to stand firm in your beliefs. Kudos. Tell him to kiss your ass. *wink* *smirk*


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