Still happy…

I went to Davis. I felt fine before I got there. Then I got there. Then I started feeling crappy. I think I am allergic to Davis. I haven’t managed to shake the icki nose and coughing bit. 🙁

However, the party there was worth the small bit of suffering! Yummy people all around!! I like it when someone hears their partner having sex and that inspires them to want to have sex, and I am just so convenient! (ok, it wasn’t actually that I was convenient, I think I was the designated person for the night) and then! When we have sex… it inspires them to have sex again!! It is the most awesome thing in the world when that happens because the person I was having sex with seems to be conditioned to come when he hears his partner having sex! (I’ve never before had someone I was having sex with be triggered by someone who wasn’t involved. That was really amazing.)

I really like stumbling into hot couples/triads and getting to benefit from the supreme yumminess of all the people involved. And there were two such groupings at this party!!! I really have to say: my life doesn’t suck. I may not be having sex as often as I might prefer, but when I do it is with some really freakin amazing people. I’m actually pretty happy with how people are staying in my life and being repeats and I’m building relationships. I certainly seem to be building quite a network. yay. I love my friends. (I do seem to be finding a lot of couples/triads lately to spend time with. This is quite the trend. I wonder what this says about my current need for stability?)

Then I had a good date with Duck Boy. Target sucks. Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are good movies. He really wants Macaroni and Cheese for dinner when I make vegetable stir fry and gyoza and spring rolls. Odd boy.

13 thoughts on “Still happy…

  1. loupyone

    hrrmmm… and I spent the day watching football. Even when these parties are in the town I live in I miss out. Sigh. More fantasy fodder I guess. Glad to ehar you enjoyed yourself. Sounds very enjoyable.

  2. genderfur

    It wasn’t exactly a *person* being triggered, but….

    Once my honey and I were spending the night at a friend’s place, and we were sleeping in the office-slash-spare-room, which was also where the parrot cages were. One bird was resident, the other was being watched while his person was out of town.

    My honey and I got to having some fun, and when she started coming, the parrot did too! Or rather, the visiting parrot started mimicing *someone else* having an orgasm when he heard Bean having one. (The bird was mimicing his person’s orgasmic cries.)

    Bean and I broke up laughing and it was awhile before we could get back to business. This time, when she started coming, we knew what to expect. And the bird started mimicing the sound of… Bean coming.

  3. mandameow

    ::blush:: Definitely yummy. And sweetie, you are far more then convenient… purrrr…

    I was so sad I passed out for much of the party. Soon, soon we must actually get to spend some time together!! At least I was awake for some of the really good parts. 😉

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      *lick* *lick* *purrrrrrrrr*

      Wow I had so much fun!! Yes, I must make it up to spend more time with you soon. I’m looking at my calendar…

      How does the 20th look for you? It’s a Sunday…


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