Since I know I’ll be waking up alone tomorrow morning, I figured what the hell…
If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?
This should be… interesting… to say the least.
Since I know I’ll be waking up alone tomorrow morning, I figured what the hell…
If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?
This should be… interesting… to say the least.
Even I’m getting confused as to who I am involved with.
There is the Razor/Manda/potentially Tristan connection.
Potentially Malcolm (this one would end most of the other sexual relationships if it got serious.)
Mackensie might end up being something.
Darin/Keri are starting to maybe go somewhere.
Greg/De are asking me to come ‘interview’
There are other people I occasionally have sex with, but not very often.
This morning I got to perform service! Yay!!!
Wonderful friends are sick right now, and I got to go to the store and bring them supplies and make them soup and stuff. It was really wonderful that they let me do it for them.
On the way home I was behind a car with the bumper sticker, “Boys have feelings too, but who cares?” It made me very sad that there are people who are so sucky in the world.
I am currently having a conversation with someone who wants to interview me for a service position in his house hold. Uhm.. What? Where did that come from?! Dude. He just found me on I actually knew him and his wife years ago before they dropped out of the public scene to have children. They are both nice, but this feels awfully sudden…
I am still having trouble with identifying as a vegetarian. And I keep buying fake meat, so I feel like I am an almost vegetarian. But I am enjoying my potato and green chile burrito right now.
I have something coming up in April that I really want to talk about. I am doing a lot of pre-processing about it. It is a very psychologically risky event and I am being very conscious and deliberate in my actions. I am taking calculated risks.
But I process things by sharing them and getting opinions. And I both want and don’t want opinions. I think this post is kind of stupid. I think that if I see you in person in a one on one type situation, I want to talk to people about it but I don’t want to write it out and get critiques on it. (Maybe I’m just avoiding Laurel…)
I practice RACK, not SSC. This is one of the first times in my play I have really embraced the difference.
If you see me, ask me about it. I want to talk about it and I don’t know how to bring it up.
So. I had this moment where I realized that I don’t like not knowing who reads stuff here, so I went through and protected everything.
A cursory glance might lead you to believe that I am a lurker. Nothing could be further from the truth. I post like crazy. You just don’t get to read it unless you ask.
Messages screened.
And once I friend you, you will want to go to:
So… if you wanted to say something, go ahead. The comments on this entry will be entirely screened.
(Hey, you could take this opportunity to tell me something very very dirty that you want to do to me.)
I just booked May 20-22nd.
The weekend after is my housemates birthday so I assume I need to be here and paying attention to her.
I am freakin booked solid till June. Good God.
• You must tell 49 people about this game.
• #3 is the one that you love.
• #7 is one you like but can’t work out.
• You care most about Manda.
• Jenny is the one who knows you very well.
• Anna is your lucky star.
• She was the prize is the song that matches with #3.
• Hampster Dance is the song for #7.
• I think about you is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
• and Void is the song telling you how you feel about life
Take this quiz
The correlation between the Hampster Dance and person #7 is wrong. But ok.
with thanks to ribbin
Fuck You Day
(or: the guerilla repurposing of a Hallmark Event)
by Andrew C. Bulhak
In a few days it will be the 14th of February; the day when we think of all the people who have profoundly touched our lives and say to them those special words: “Fuck You”.
Most people know this day as something else; a Hallmark event during which neurochemically induced temporary insanity is celebrated by spending large sums of money on flowers, chocolate and greeting cards, and wallowing in artificially-induced sentiment. The problem with this holiday is that it excludes those who are not out of their skulls on phenylethylamine. Those who are not in relationships, who do not have a Special Someone in whose name to pad the coffers of florists and gift companies, are marginalized and rendered invisible. If you’re not in a relationship, or looking to be in one, you’re nothing. Even in this age of political correctness and all-inclusive niceness, this is one form of discrimination that is still wholeheartedly embraced by people who abhor most forms of prejudice and bigotry.[1]
Fuck You Day is not so viciously discriminatory. We may not all have lovers, but we all have irritants. Into every life a little shit must fly, and when shit happens, there’s usually an asshole responsible. And there are many forms that these assholes come in; they can be family members, co-workers, classmates, ex-lovers or so-called friends; or they can be strangers; bureaucratic Nazis who refuse to cut you the least bit of slack, or obnoxious neighbors with execrable taste in music, or just the glorps who steal your slack.
For lesser irritants, a simple, confident, decisive “fuck you” will suffice. (Or, if they’re an ex-lover, a bouquet of dead roses or gift-boxed roadkill may be particularly appropriate.) But there are some for whom something more elaborate is in order. Something that drives home the message with a personal touch and a perversely loving attention to detail. In short, we are talking about pranks.
Before we proceed any further, faithful reader, we must stress that we do not advocate beating people up, torching their homes or any other such act of unimaginative, meatheaded stupidity. A truly righteous act of vengeance is best worked with imagination, originality and no small dose of irony; in a way that comes out of nowhere and causes the target to realize that they have brought their fate unto themselves; that the trap that has snared them has been lain by themselves. In an ideal prank, the victim is subjected to an act of humiliation mirroring (symbolically or actually) the behavior that first brought them to the prankster’s attention and singled them out for a Fuck You Day gift; it would be especially apt if, looking back on the incident, the victim could see several ways he or she could have avoided falling into the trap — each of which would have required them to stop acting like an asshole. It goes without saying that they should have no recourse; nothing to press charges over, and preferably no tangible evidence pointing to the perpetrator.
Some of the best pranks have an element of subtlety and finesse, a Zen quality of minimalism, in which the prankster’s role is merely that of an instrument of fate and the will of the universe (which has a somewhat ironic sense of humour). Additionally, a well-thought-out prank doesn’t even have to directly affect the subject; a prank can take the form of a message, in the form of some inexplicable, mediagenic spectacle, which, whilst leaving most observers confused, strikes the terror of the Gods into your intended’s heart.
So, this Fuck You Day, think of all the people who have vexed and frustrated you, and let them know that you care.
[1] (Unlike that other holiday, Fuck You Day does not discriminate against those who are happily in love or otherwise not totally disillusioned with the meat market. Rather than saying “fuck you”, one can say to the object of one’s desires “I want to fuck you”. Evolutionarily speaking, it’s direct and to the point, without all the superfluous mendacity of flowers, romance and adult-contemporary ballads; and in every relationship honesty is always a good thing.)
I was going to go on a bitter single’s bar crawl. It fell through cause the organizer has rehearsals.
So Miss Jenny and I say that people should come visit us. She has to get up early in the morning and I just don’t feel like the Plough on that night.
So… who wants to come over? I’m sure we can find some kind of fun.
No time to read anything. Just time to say…
Happpppppppppppppppppppy girl!
I will be off email/lj stuffs pretty much all weekend. You can call me if you wish.
Oh! It looks like I will not be going to BS on Saturday if anyone was hoping to see me there. I have no one lined up to play with and it is that time of the month. So yeah, it wouldn’t be much fun for me. I’ll stay busy though… have no fear…
There is a funny story about me writing this during class, but I’m too tired to type it. So you guys get the cut’n’paste version of what I did in class.
I frequently say that if a relationship doesn’t work once it won’t work a second time. If it ended, it should stay ended (no matter the reason it ended).
Hm. I think this crow would be pretty good with a little bit of apple dressing. I’m going to go find some.
I have always thought of myself as a rather extreme extrovert. I could never seem to get enough attention/interaction… you name it. I NEED to be around people.
But… I wonder if I have always felt this way because I was operating from a defecit. I never did get much time with people. I was alone because I had no choice–not because I wanted it. I didn’t have friends consistently until my late teens because we moved so often. I spent most of my childhood alone reading a book–kind of the model of introvert, but I was never happy about it. Starting with when I got involved with theatre at LGHS I fought being alone with all of my strength and energy. I kept up the fight until some ways into my relationship with Tom. I often complained about how boring he was because he wanted to sit at home and watch tv, but I was really part of the problem. I wanted him to stay home, but I wanted him to pay more attention to me. It was a difficult arrangment to figure out.
Now, I have been out and out and out and out for the past few months. I have been out so much that Miss Jenny has complained that I am gone far more than I am home–and it has been true in the main. But I returned from Ireland 26 days ago and I have slept somewhere other than my bed 7 times and no one has slept here. This is a rather drastic shift from how things had been happening in the previous three months. And they are shifting because I want them to. I have essentially turned down sex because I knew the person would want to spend the night/snuggle afterwards and I just wasn’t in the headspace for it. I am sleeping alone because I want to. I am breaking dates and staying home because I don’t want to deal with people. It is weird. This is entirely counter to the image I have of myself. I have even skipped some dance things because I just didn’t want to deal with people. I am having more and more trouble getting out of the house on time for dates/events because I just can’t bring myself to face the people. It really isn’t that I don’t want to see/don’t like the people–because I do. I really love and treasure the people in my life. But I’m feeling very overwhelmed by them.
For a while I’m going to try to go to events on my own rather than have a date. If I already have a date with you scheduled, I’m going to try to keep it–but please don’t take it personally if I cancel. I just feel over peopled right now. It’s like I am caving in under the pressure. The semester has begun and despite the fact that my grades weren’t that bad last semester, I need them to be higher this semester. This is going to necessitate more time spent on school.
I don’t know how this is going to play out. But I’m beginning to think I might actually be an introvert who manages to survive fairly well in an extrovert world rather than the extrovert I have always believed.
Very odd.
Not so much.
Awake till 4.
Woke up at 9:30ish by the phone. Somehow manage to babble for half an hour.
Play with computer for ~15 minutes.
Roll over and go to sleep again.
Wake up at 12:30. Dude.
But I do have new user icons.
(I have been being a total bitch to some guy who pinged me online about an hour ago. Ok, I was polite for a while. But then he got really pushy about asking me questions I didn’t want to answer and demanding a picture.)
I need to get some sleep…
So. I’m working on my taxes. I made X amount of money. I paid Y amount of money for school. I am a grad student, so therefore independent. I can’t tell if it is a better idea to put Y in line 27 as part of the adjusted gross income or line 49 as part of tax and credits. (fyi, Y is ~$45 less than X… so yeah. I qualify for all of those “I’m poor” stuff.)
Anyone have any idea? I’m reading the booklets and I can’t figure it out…
So maybe people do want to follow me home in the next month. I retract my silliness.
I will make the bed presentable upon demand.
I went to Davis. I felt fine before I got there. Then I got there. Then I started feeling crappy. I think I am allergic to Davis. I haven’t managed to shake the icki nose and coughing bit.
However, the party there was worth the small bit of suffering! Yummy people all around!! I like it when someone hears their partner having sex and that inspires them to want to have sex, and I am just so convenient! (ok, it wasn’t actually that I was convenient, I think I was the designated person for the night) and then! When we have sex… it inspires them to have sex again!! It is the most awesome thing in the world when that happens because the person I was having sex with seems to be conditioned to come when he hears his partner having sex! (I’ve never before had someone I was having sex with be triggered by someone who wasn’t involved. That was really amazing.)
I really like stumbling into hot couples/triads and getting to benefit from the supreme yumminess of all the people involved. And there were two such groupings at this party!!! I really have to say: my life doesn’t suck. I may not be having sex as often as I might prefer, but when I do it is with some really freakin amazing people. I’m actually pretty happy with how people are staying in my life and being repeats and I’m building relationships. I certainly seem to be building quite a network. yay. I love my friends. (I do seem to be finding a lot of couples/triads lately to spend time with. This is quite the trend. I wonder what this says about my current need for stability?)
Then I had a good date with Duck Boy. Target sucks. Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are good movies. He really wants Macaroni and Cheese for dinner when I make vegetable stir fry and gyoza and spring rolls. Odd boy.