And I forgot to mention that when we got home late last night it was to a note on our door from PG&E. There was some sort of power fluctuation and if they fried any of our electronics, please call them and order a claim form.
FUCK. Our modem is toast. Our phones are toast. The microwave that I bought on THURSDAY. The answering machine.
Apparently everything that wasn’t plugged in via a power strip. Mother Fucker.
A new modem is going to be ~ $100. I want to cry.
It’s not the one you bought Thursday, but I have a microwave sitting in my office RIGHT NOW that doesn’t have a home at the moment. We had gotten it from some folks on the HW Events list when our old one died on the eve of the last PPP. For various reasons, we ended up with two microwaves after asking the list if anyone had one, and we figured we were saving this one for, who will be moving out again “soon.” But soon is not now, and I can get you a working microwave TODAY if you want it.. Nothing fancy, but it works….
With a little bit of lying, I just brought the microwave back and exchanged it. They were cool with me telling them that when I plugged it in nothing happened.
It’s true… but they wouldn’t have as much sympathy if I told them that it is PG&E’s fault…
That wasn’t very kind to the people who sold you the microwave.
What’s the deal with the claim form?
Large companies expect a percentage of merchandise to not work.
I will get it in a few days and we’ll see if they reimburse us.
Large companies expect a percentage of merchandise to not work.
That explains why you were able to fool them, not why it was OK to do so.
(nod) Sometimes, that sort of thing really does happen. I’m glad you were able to get it sorted out quickly.
serious suckage
Wow. That does blow mightily. I hope “order a claim form” means you’re going to get reimbursed.
That really, really, sucks.
Our entire block had its electronics blown by PG&E about 8 or 9 years ago. It was back when we were having all those summer storms and blackouts, and they’d been working on the power thingy for our block all one night. Somewhere around 6am, we heard someone yell “OH, SHIT!!!” and everything electronic started buzzing, then died.
Apparently the wrong thing got plugged into the very wrong thing by sleep deprived technicions.
But as I remember it, they were fairly good at paying for everything they fried, so hopefully they’ll rebuy all your stuff.
I freakin hope so. We massively can’t afford this.
Ouch!! Good luck with the claims form.
we have two DSL modems lying around. I don’t know if they would work for you, but if you want us to check write to Marcie about what exactly you need. *hugs*
Damn. Order that claim form and stick them for the entire bill. That’s not right.
*knowing that they will replace these items isn’t going to help much right now …I understand that…*
*Big Huge Sigh*
I’ll say *Fuck* many times over with you if it will make you feel better in the moment…*