Funny memeage

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet loren_q? At the munch. I apparently intimidated her.
2.~What would you do if you had never met karenbynight? 🙁 There would be much less happiness in my life.
3.~What do you honestly think of porgypie? He’s cute and funny and far too timid.
4.~Would or did capnkjb and celledhor go out? *blink* I think his wife would object.
5.~Have you ever liked zikzak5? I think they mean licked. Have I ever licked him? Yes.
6.~If tshuma died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? You never have to worry about bills again.
7.~Would teamnoir and mollena make a good couple? What an interesting thought. I bet they could keep one another busy.
8.~Describe mandameow in 3 words: Purr, Purr, Purr
9.~Do you think mistressmatisse is hot? Duh.
10.~Would tshuma and boymeat make a lovely couple? No. just….. no.
11.~What do you think of when you see celledhor? Boy! Who can dance!!!
12.~Tell me something humiliating about mollena: That’s not nice. Although, if you want to know anything humiliating about her, go see “69 Stories” the next time it is produced. She can tell her own stories better than I.
13.~Do you know any of jamescarrington‘s family members? Yes, his son.
14.~What’s yanijc‘s favorite color? Oh… blue?
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is whipsnkisses? 15
16.~What would you do if kbgilmore just professed their undying love for you? I would pat him on the head and say, “Does this mean I get unlimited massages forever?”
17.~What language does capnkjb speak? Enwish
18.~Who is angelbob going out with? A nice girl that I saw last night in pig tails.
19.~Is danaoshee a boy or a girl? *snicker* VERY much a girl.
20.~Would sillymesaysme and kbgilmore make a good couple? They actually might except for that whole she-is-moving-out-of-state thing.
21.~Who do you think yanijc would be great with from this list? Blate!
22.~When was the last time you talked to mistressmatisse? It’s been a while. Probably Thunder 2004.
23.~What is zikzak5‘s favorite band? Something weird and random.
24.~Does teamnoir have any siblings? Yes.
25.~Would you ever date jamescarrington? *giggle* I have dated him.
26.~Would you ever date mandameow? Not sure.
27.~Is yanijc single? No
28.~What is yanijc‘s last name? blahblahconfidentialityblahblah (but I know it. I bought her a plane ticket.)
29.~What is sillymesaysme‘s middle name? The one everyone calls her.
30~What is porgypie‘s fantasy? *giggle* Hopefully it involves several girls and something sweet and sticky.
31.~Where does danaoshee live? South bay somewhere
32.~Would you make out with loren_q? Hail Skippy!
33.~Are karenbynight and jamescarrington best friends? nope.
34.~Does mandameow like yanijc? They haven’t met.
35.~How did you meet sillymesaysme? Pryanksters
36.~Is mistressmatisse older than you? Yes
37.~Is boymeat the sexiest person alive? If he isn’t, he is damn close.

10 thoughts on “Funny memeage

  1. kbgilmore

    You mean I haven’t…

    professed my undying love for you, yet? Oh, right, I pencilled that in for next month when I have time. I am a silly man. Busy, but silly. And yes, you get unlimited massages, just as soon as I figure out a way to make enough money to never have to work again.

    Maybe I should write a novel or somesuch…


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