Seriously. I know way too many people who need to have these rules tattooed on the palms of their hands. And I do tend to let very young people slide a bit on some of them. But yeah, one should grow up.
So if you’re already doing all these things – and I have no reason to think that you don’t – then you should congratulate yourself on being ahead of the game. Some people never get it.
Well, I doubt I do all of them.
1. There are currently two thank you notes in the mail. Guess I got that one.
2. Hey! Don’t I have a standing invite to stay with you?
3. My friends still help me move.
4. I try and think I do well.
5/6/7: done
8: I blog about my dreams. Is that the same thing?
9-20: I think I do them…
Looks like I’m almost grown up. I’m about to turn 24, so I have another year to get it right…
I don’t think #3 should be quite as strong as she said it. Really, it should be “If you ask your friends to help you move, be ready for them. For god’s sake, be done packing when people show up. It’s ok to ask friends for help moving heavy stuff. It’s not ok to ask your friends to go through your shit and throw it into boxes. It’s really not ok to complain when they do it anyway and your shit gets disorganized. If your friends help you move, you owe them pizza and beer (or equivalent). *And* help when they move.”
I’m inclined to think that #6 should include “and don’t whine about not having money. If you can’t afford something, decline. Then get on with your life.”
Other than that, it’s pretty good. I fail on #1 and #5, often, but I’m mostly pretty good with the rest.
I’m not sure if you’re agreeing with this or wanting to point this out to someone else, or taking offense to some of these.
That said, I think a lot of these are really, really true. And more people need to behave accordingly.
Seriously. I know way too many people who need to have these rules tattooed on the palms of their hands. And I do tend to let very young people slide a bit on some of them. But yeah, one should grow up.
So if you’re already doing all these things – and I have no reason to think that you don’t – then you should congratulate yourself on being ahead of the game. Some people never get it.
Well, I doubt I do all of them.
1. There are currently two thank you notes in the mail. Guess I got that one.
2. Hey! Don’t I have a standing invite to stay with you?
3. My friends still help me move.
4. I try and think I do well.
5/6/7: done
8: I blog about my dreams. Is that the same thing?
9-20: I think I do them…
Looks like I’m almost grown up. I’m about to turn 24, so I have another year to get it right…
I don’t think #3 should be quite as strong as she said it. Really, it should be “If you ask your friends to help you move, be ready for them. For god’s sake, be done packing when people show up. It’s ok to ask friends for help moving heavy stuff. It’s not ok to ask your friends to go through your shit and throw it into boxes. It’s really not ok to complain when they do it anyway and your shit gets disorganized. If your friends help you move, you owe them pizza and beer (or equivalent). *And* help when they move.”
I’m inclined to think that #6 should include “and don’t whine about not having money. If you can’t afford something, decline. Then get on with your life.”
Other than that, it’s pretty good. I fail on #1 and #5, often, but I’m mostly pretty good with the rest.