(Not really, but since I’m on a song lyric naming scheme.)
Today went better than I thought it would. I am nearing completion on packing. I am not 100% done on my unit plan, but close enough that I am going to seriously impress my master teacher. I haven’t done any grading though. I suck! I was in a horrible horrible mood for most of the day, at least until about 2:30. Crying and generally being a total spaz. Then we had sex. (First time in a week.) Now I’m in a good mood and feeling ok and more stable. I really wish he understood this correlation better and volunteered sex more regularly. It is a whopping 8pm and Ken has left. (The annoying best friend was here for dinner and a movie; we all played nice and got along well.)
I’m tired. I think I am going to pass out by about 9:30 and pray I sleep until 6. I am going to go into work early and get some stuff ready for my kids. Oh! I need to go create a pop quiz for my stupid seniors! They pissed me off on Thursday. It is horrible that having sex makes me feel like I can actually handle all that is on my plate.
Oh! And the teacher I hate will be absent on Wednesday. We are just watching a movie in class. The week won’t suck!