So far I have collected 24 grocery bags worth of books to get rid of (maybe half of one of those bags is Puppy’s stuff) and I have a lawn trimming bag of clothes. We are going to be getting rid of a bunch of kitchen stuff as well. I can feel my belongings cry as they think of going away.
But Jesus Christ on a pogo stick by the third move in just over a year it is time to pare down.
would you like to bring your things to DeeDeeByTheBay’s clothing swap next Saturday? I think it’s going to be good girlie fun.
Linkie here:
Next Saturday is a kinky rummage sale down in the south bay. I have messloads of fetish stuff to get rid of and that is the best place to do so. If you would like to bring my bag of stuff do DeeDee’s you would be welcome to but I am not available.
Umm. Err….what all are you getting rid of? Anything I might like?
Latex and pvc stuff. One corset, though I think it is too big for you. I should call zhaneel and let her have a crack it if she wants it.
That purple one? It’s awful pretty. If it is the purple one, I defer first dibs to Z if you want, but I”d be curious too. I really want an overbust one.
Call me, I might fit it.
“Jesus Christ on a pogo stick”
Goodness girl, the images you bring to mind.
I need to do the same. I’ve been thinking a lot about moving out of this apartment lately, and finding a way to lower my cost of living at the same time as moving into a house with someone. The problem is, I’m compatible with so few people. I have a friend who was discussing the potential of purchasing a small complex and turning it intentional community while each having our own private home space as well – wouldn’t that be rad? It would be my ideal, but it feels distant.
Anyhow- it would be great to get my shit cleaned out as well. I need to purge.
pogo sticks scare me though. lol.