Waiting is a dangerous thing. I decided to head in hella early this morning instead of cuddling with my baby. I left my house at 6:28. Turns out it was a good thing. As I was smoothly sailing past 101 on 880 there was a traffic announcement of a six car accident, a two car accident, and a three car accident on the freeway at various points along my route. My commute time would have doubled if I would have waited twenty more minutes.
Instead I get to wait around at school. Part of the reason I came in so early was I thought I was going to do a presentation second period. Turns out I wasn’t! Then… another teacher couldn’t do it so the administration was happy to have me around and prepared. Good thing!
Now I’m waiting on my next period. I am all set and ready to go. I’m also ready for 5th period, provided of course that I can make my stupid laptop work with the projector. *sigh*
It’ll work out. I’m just waiting…
This afternoon I get to go pick up Uncle Bob’s Truck. See, there are trucks and then there are Trucks. This is a Truck. Tonight at home I will be tossing the last of my shit in boxes and dragging boxes down to the garage to make them easier to move tomorrow. I just want this to be done already.