So, this weekend is going to be pretty psycho.
This afternoon my goal is to finish cleaning up my house because it is craptastic and it is really making me go nuts. If I get a hold of my friend Marcus I am going to head up to the city this evening and see him. I decided that it would be a good thing. He has been a friend since I was 17 and we have gone through different phases of closeness but he has been doing his best to step up to the plate lately. I will be crashing at his house tonight. In the morning I am going to head over to Hayward to help my lovelies with packing theirtruck so that they can move. Then I will trot up to therapy. We’ll see how well I manage after that. If I am still feeling buff and strong and such I will go back to help my friends move. It may not happen though because I am already feeling very fragile emotionally and if I am not up for it I can’t force myself.
Saturday night my friend is having a housewarming and I haven’t seen him in forever. I will probably go over cause he lives about a mile from me.
Sunday I am grading and doing lesson plans and helping my friends unload their hot tub in the afternoon.
I haven’t decided if I will let Phil come down. I do have his Christmas present…
I do have his Christmas present…
Sure you do, but you have my birthday present, too, and it hasn’t suffered for the waiting.
Which is to say, I love you, and whatever his feelings are about you they are positive enough to sustain getting a present late if you decide you need the time for yourself instead. And if you do decide to see him and you need an ear/absorbent shoulder/Kleenex, I’m available to you any time of the day or night, love. *hug*