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1) What planet should mortalcity be from? Goodness. A planet beyond my scope of imagination.
2) How long have you known noirem? Uhm… 12 years?
3) What is mistressmatisse‘s shoe size? I believe an 8 or 8.5
4) What color should bk2w dye their hair? Hm… Darker would be hot, but he looks good as is.
5) Where was tshuma born? I have no idea. I have trouble deciding in my head if she is from California, Pennsylvania, or Arizona.
6) Do you have a crush on polly_perverse? Big one.
7) Do you have cyranocyrano‘s screenname? Well… yes…
8) Is whipsnkisses related to you? Nope, though we have lots in common.
9) What video game does japlady remind you of? WoW. Just because she is obsessed with it these days.
10) Does barelyproper drink? Some, but not much. I think of her as getting occasionally tipsy, not drunk.
11) What word best describes danaoshee? Enigmatic.
12) What would you do if you found out plymouth has a crush on you? Be very confused.
13) What flavor of jello would davetoo be? Lime.
14) Is mzmtnlion introverted or extroverted? I would say extrovert with occasional introvert tendencies.
15) What animal does writerpo remind you of? A teddy bear. Very cuddly and sweet.
16) If princeofwands were hanging off a cliff, what would malixe do? Malixe would get help.
17) What is tsgeisel‘s biggest flaw? Too much time online.
18) Would you set up loren_q and mollena? Wow. That’s an image. Wow. Probably not…
19) What is yanijc‘s favorite game? Something logic oriented cause she is like that.
20) Could you see misterajc and eeyore42 together? *choke* no.
21) Are noirem and writerpo going out? Nope.
22) What is barelyproper‘s favorite food? I don’t know but whatever it is, I picture her nibbling it delicately.
23) Is boymeat a nerd? Not really.
24) One quality you find attractive in mortalcity? Her verve.
25) What is bk2w‘s favorite movie? Uhm… Star Wars?
26) Would polly_perverse be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate.
27) Is zikzak5 a high school student? ha. No.
28) Does notmy_realname have a big secret? Heh. He doesn’t admit his name…
29) Is brjulia your best friend? Definately one of the people I am closest to. The word ‘best’ is a comparative that changes for me frequently.
30) Is princeofwands in a relationship? A??? Uhhh yeah.

8 thoughts on “Memelish.

  1. danaoshee

    Enigmatic? hehe.
    While I see your point, given the hour and a half I just spent bitching to people on the phone (in a very, ah, outspoken and exactly what I was thinking sort of way) enigmatic as a descriptor amuses me today.

    Also, I totally understand why you wouldn’t want to be at a party you didn’t know any/many people, and I definitely wasn’t trying to pressure you, just adding additional information.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I have always been surprised by you and not understood you. That means that at least for me you are enigmatic.

      I don’t feel pressured. I’m just trying to figure out what option will suck the least for me. 🙂


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