I’m a young geeky boy (earlierin the dream I was the girl flirting with him.) Throgh my own frustration I manage to toss my streo down the side of a hill. I seem to live in the moutains, but they must not be the mountains I grew up in because I don’t recognize the vegetation. I started going down the hill to see if I could find the stereo and it just went down and down and down. Eventually I reach a room. It is a small room with a connected chamber below. I can see water in a channel along one side of the room (when I walk in it is on my left.) The water is in a beautifully tiled/stoned channel. I follow the water to the connected chamber and find an enormous pool that is also tiled beautifully. I say tiled, but it looks very primitive and it isn’t modern tile. I notice how the water is low in the lower chamber right now but it seems like it might go all the way to the ceiling…
I don’t know why, but I ask God to mak the water rise. Immidiately you can *see* the water rising really quickly. I start clamoring out of the chamber quickly. Right then a bunch of my male friends and the girl I love wande rinto the top room. They start taking their clothes off intending to go into the water because the climb down the hill was hot and dusty. I have to basically drag them out one by one because they don’t seem to be able to see the water rising. I push them all the way up the hill. The next day that side of the mountain is an enormous river.
I don’t understand.
Sometimes the point is to not understand…
It was a very interesting dream though.
What you need is Carl Jung. Bet he could help. There’s something very special about this dream.