I seem to be feeling better lately about play and sex cause I am sure as hell jumping back on the horse. Within the past 8 days I have:
Had sex with two people for a total of ~6 go rounds. (One night it is kind of fuzzy just how many times…)
Bottomed once.
Topped twice.
The median length of time I have known these people has been 2.175 years.
My ass is many many colors. I have a bruise bigger than my fist. That has got to be the best spanking I have ever received. He spanked me for over an hour. It was fucking awesome. Just spanking! Hard, rhythmic, yummy…
I’m pretty happy about the fact that I am playing with people that I have known for a long time and that I feel comfortable with. I think if I were jumping into playing with new-to-me people it would be harder and scarier.
And why the fuck am I not going to NY now. God damnit!
“The median length of time I have known these people has been 2.175 years.”
Nerd = sexy
So that’s ok.
How she loved her ass of many colors!
It was red and yellow and green and brown
Scarlet and black and ocher and peach
And ruby and olive and violet and fawn
And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve
And cream and crimson and silver and rose
And azure and lemon and russet and grey
And purple and white and pink and orange
And blue !
*shaking my head*
I totally told you I would do this.
I am such an idiot.