But your cutest!!! I hope someone wasn’t mean to you. ;(
Anyway they aint worthy of you in that case anyway. Means they’re blind, it does. Cause you *are* cutest.
Boy howdy do I need to get you those burlesque links. Any interest in belly dancing? Since I’ll be sending you the burlesques links adding the belly dance ones will be no problem.
The problems mostly come from my head. I have a fixation on I am not attractive if I weigh more than society says I should and society thinks I am at the very top of what is healthy. Suckage.
But your cutest!!! I hope someone wasn’t mean to you. ;(
Anyway they aint worthy of you in that case anyway. Means they’re blind, it does. Cause you *are* cutest.
No one was mean to me. I’m mean to myself.
There’s a lot I could say, but I’m afraid it would all sound very self-pitying. So, virtual hugs are about the best I can do, at the moment.
*hugs* I’m ok with self-pity. I love you.
Boy howdy do I need to get you those burlesque links. Any interest in belly dancing? Since I’ll be sending you the burlesques links adding the belly dance ones will be no problem.
Re: yep
I have a strong interest in belly dancing and no time. But the links would be nice anyway.
I have to say, it is strongly linked for me…
I *adore* a juicy, curvy armful of girl with a tantalizing, ample bottom and a big sweet spot that jiggles and blushes under my cane.
I love the soft curve of a belly, right under the button, that I can caress with anticipation in my palm.
I salivate for tender round thighs that I can sink my teeth into.
I swoon for the scent of a luscious, hungry cunt that fills my whole hand and quivers when I squeeze it.
And sweet round cheeks under curvy lashes, and baby-soft arms, and melon-ripe breasts…
Oh, yeah. Curves rock.
Yeah, what flaoroflove said – I love the way you look… have since I’ve known you
…and skinny chics like you are kinda cute too.
I can relate, sorry it’s caused problems for you…
The problems mostly come from my head. I have a fixation on I am not attractive if I weigh more than society says I should and society thinks I am at the very top of what is healthy. Suckage.
you have been HAWT and georgeous and wonderful and increadibly sexy at every weight I have seen you at.