Hopefully the server load is smaller now.
Note about the Nohari: yes, I do want to see this. No, I will not get mad at anyone for what they choose (if they choose to do it). If my feelings are hurt that is something that I need to think about. What am I getting out of what people see in me? That’s about me not about you being bad/awful/wrong/whatever.
d’oh.. I chose attributes that described me, not you.. but hey, there’s some interesting overlap
I’ve decided (after doing it myself) that I don’t see any real value in the Nohari window.
It puts your friends in an awkward position when they can only say nasty things about you, and especially if none of the choices really accurately describe a flaw that you might posess.
And reading the results, even knowing the deck was stacked, still gave me a little sting of anger and depression over the things they chose. Illogical, because they have to choose -something- to play, and I’m the one who told them to go do it…but there it is.
The first comment to the post that I got was an anonymous one saying they had tried, and they just couldn’t do it. I think it’s just as hard on the people who make the choices as it is on the person who’s in the window.
In all, if I were to do that one over again, I wouldn’t bother.
Re: Nohari
I think the value in the Nohari one is that seeing which people felt which thing about me tells me some about my interactions with that person as much or more as it is just about me. I don’t feel bad about any of it, but sometimes it was surprising.
I had trouble saying negative things about you.
Now that I’ve done it, I’d like to apologize for the negative bits…
Y’know, I’d apologize more if other people didn’t agree with me. For now I’ll just say that the fact that I have to choose at least 5 is very tough. Everyone has at least one or two negative traits; 5 is rough. Thank goodness for synonyms.
I’m disappointed “dork” wasn’t on either window.
Yeah, apologizing isn’t allowed anyway.
It was all interesting stuff.
I think the thing to keep in mind about either window is that it’s compared to things you’ve said about *yourself* first….so the individual you’re evaluating has already acknowledged certain strengths or weaknesses. You’re not just walking up out of the blue and saying “hey, you’re really loud” without reason. I think it’s an interesting exercise. However, I would point out that there are not purely positive (or flattering) descriptors on the Johari window, either.
I think it is interesting. I like that there are other people who see everything I see about myself.
It was hard to come up with 5 things for the nohari window, and it was hard being limited to 6 for the johari window.
One thing in the nohari window jumped out at me as appropriate for you, the rest took some thought.
I picked five, but it was difficult. I think that I ended up picking five that are more the negative or exaggerated end of some of your better traits.
I answered the nohari one, but feel it necessary to point out that you are indeed showing vast improvement and constatntly striving to better your self. I dont like how negative it is.