If you had me alone…locked up in your house for twenty-four hours and I had to do whatever you wanted me to, what would you do with me? All posts will be permanently screened because it’s a secret. Then repost this in your LJ- or don’t. You might be surprised with the responses you get.
This is a hard one. I met you briefly at the wedding, just enough to get the feeling that I’d enjoy talking with you, and also, just as likely enjoy knocking boots with you.
So, the word of the day is Surrender.
The phrase of the day is Mind Fuck.
If we were never going to have the chance to get together again, I’d use you like I would imagine a cheap hooker should be used. Repeatedly and carelessly.
If however, we were going to have the chance to hook up again, I would get inside your head, spin your perceptions around, enjoy the hell out of myself while putting a stupid grin on your face from doing things that you KNEW could never do that to you. All the while leaving you with the clear knowledge that it was all about me, and that I was selfishly taking care of my needs. The worst part is, that somehow, that makes it even better.
AFTER the twenty four hours are over, then I untie you, unleash you, take my cock out of your mouth, put you in the shower and clean you up. Then it’s off to that restaurant with the great omelets and hash-browns to talk about everything and nothing.
24 hours? Long enough to have a slumber party and make you paint my nails.
Oooh, anything?
I’d have you clean my house, from top to bottom…cause that’s how twisted I am.
And how dirty my house is!
Tough one– 24 hours is a long time, and I don’t have the energy level I used to have :-).
I’d start by talking limits, so that I’d know what was and wasn’t cool. Then I’d probably have you spend the first hour or so showing me with your own hands how you like to be touched and aroused. Then when I couldn’t take just watching anymore, I’d take over and see if I got it right :-). The rest of the 24 hours would be as much of that as either of us had energy for…
I would forbid you to say anything except, “Yes please, sir,” the entire time.
I expect you would spend a fair amount of time tied up naked on the floor so that I could kick you and tread on you. (Yes, I’d put on boots to kick you with. Aren’t I kind?) I’d use you as a footstool,too. I think you would make a cute piece of furniture.
I’d staple all your hair to a sheet of plywood, so that you couldn’t move your head while I licked your ears. When it’s time to let you go, I’d do it by cutting off all your hair. (You gave me permission to shave your head once, and I plan to take you up on it some time,)
There would have to ba a ritual caning, with you asking for every stroke, and thanking me for it afterward. I would have you write lines while kneeling at the table – “Please fuck me in the ass, sir,” repeated 100 times. And then of course, I would fuck you in the ass. I would bite you hard while buttfucking you.
I would order you to clean the house wearing nothing but high heeled boots and a feather duster stuck up your ass.
Then I’d….
Hmmm, I could keep this up for a while. I can easily come up with plans for you that would take far more than 24 hours to carry out. But it just struck me what I would really like to do. Remember that rape scene that you wanted to do? Well, I’d like to rape you. I’d like to take you down completely, physically, sexually and mentally.
Well, you did ask.
Yes, I know I’m a sick fuck.
bake, bondage, assfuck, shower, snuggle, eat
You’d come over in the late morning one Saturday. First, I’d have you bake me a couple dozen chocolate chocolate-chip cookies. Then I’d tie you to the bed spread-eagle face-down and pull the ropes so tight you’d swear you were being drawn-and-quartered, cut and rip you out of your clothes, intwine my left hand in your hair, and proceed to fuck you mercilessly hard in the ass for hours, until a mess of my cum and just a hint of your blood dripped down your inner thighs and stained the sheets. Then I’d untie you and pull you along into the shower to kneel in front of me and look up at me and clean me up gently, and OK, fine, I’d let you wash your ass. And then give you a gagging, tears-streaming-down-your-cheeks-barely-able-to-breathe throat-fuck. Then I’d let you dry us both off and give you a set of my sweats and have you curl up in bed next to me to snuggle make out a little until we fell asleep, and in the morning I’d send you away, still in my sweats, still walking mighty funny, while I went and sat in the recliner, eating the cookies.
Well, that’s it, just off the cuff. Time to go to the lavatory in the other building and go masturbate now. Thinking about you is hot.
Make you scrub my house until it shined. Damn it needs help.
X. Of course.
I don’t really know you, so I will give a tame answer. I have some liquid latex that would probably look great on you….
There’d be snuggles and silly movies. There’d be tasty snackies. There might be a trip to the playground. There’d be some damn hot sex, and tasty bruise-causing things. There’d be me asking for lessons in fun and interesting things. There’d be lots of giggling.
sit and talk… trade backrubs… discuss authors… Make yummy food together… paint eachothers toenails, lay naked in the moonlight, just for the fun of it…. YOu know, just be ouselves.
I haven’t felt brave enough to say this, but I keep thinking, in some other life, I’d strap something nice on and fuck you silly. Damn, now I’m hot just thinking about it. Next life, then? Shhhhh….don’t tell!