It is really funny how many of you want me to clean your house.
Some of you are some seriously twisted motherfuckers. Damn are your fantasies hot.
The slumber party sounds fun. I have lots of nail polish and pedicure stuff.
Mmmmm cheap hooker.
Mutual masturbation.
Yes please, Sir.
And damn that ass fucking sounds hot.
Any other takers? I need more wank material.
Y’know that housecleaning sounds pretty good right about now. And I won’t have to hide my porn, either.
But I’m at work, so I can’t go into too many details, lest I lose what little concentration I have even now.
Am I allowed to answer this one? I’ve got a totally hot reply, but, well….you know.
Fantasies are always ok. The expectation that I have to follow up on them is not.
Let me tell you–some of the people who sent me *HAWT* fantasies aren’t people who are in any way available for what they want to do to/with me.
Just making sure….comfort level and respect are important to me. =]
Can’t blame people for wanting a clean house. Hrm. This isn’t screened but honestly I don’t care. I’m not gonna get too specific anyways.
I thought about it briefly earlier. I think with a whole twenty four hours lots could be done. I do think especially that I’d want the girly hanging out stuff. Rolling around being lazy and talking and stuff, then the kinky stuff too, hurting you and going wherever that might take me. Being all switchy and all I think turning it around would be nice too. But yah, definately girly hanging out plus the kinky. And hot chocolate. I want hot chocolate.
Hmm. Doubt that’s wankable. Lol.
You trying to squeeze em details outta me? Lol.
No… just letting you know.
Seems to me that simply negotiating would be more appropriate.