
Is anything other than FNW happening on the 17th? I know I want to do a little bit of time in downtown Campbell but after that I don’t know what I want to do. I’m debating FNW, but I may actually just invite people over to my house for some revelry of our own.

Would that interest anyone?

20 thoughts on “scheduling

  1. angelkatharine

    I don’t know of anything else organized going on, but as St. Patrick’s Day is my mother’s birthday and my grandparents’ wedding anniversary, I might have family obligations.

  2. fan_boy


    Well shux. I dunno if I’m up to anything, but keep posted if plans happen?

    (It’s so…weird, realizing I’m a SouthBay person now….*shrug*)

  3. rjray

    Hmmm… I live in Campbell, but I have plans in the evening (from about 7:30 til midnight or so). Since I now know that I’m moving out of the country, I am making sure to touch base with the various social groups I’ve been in, to see people before I leave. I’ll be around Campbell during the day if you’re already in the area, but I probably won’t be able to do anything in the evening.


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