a rare post that is political.

I actually read some news today and these links have made me very happy.

http://tinyurl.com/qfbc8 Takes you to: 13) CA: Court says Berkeley can charge Scouts rentSan Francisco Chronicle”The state Supreme Court, in a victory for gay-rights advocates, ruled unanimouslytoday that Berkeley could withdraw a rent subsidy to a Boy Scouts affiliate at thecity marina because of the scouts’ no-gays-allowed policy. Although the U.S. SupremeCourt ruled in 2000 that the Boy Scouts had a constitutional right to exclude gays,Berkeley is not required to provide funding to an organization that violates thecity’s antidiscrimination policy, the state justices said. Cities can requirerecipients of public money to ‘provide written, unambiguous assurances ofcompliances with a generally applicable nondiscrimination policy,’ Justice KathrynMickle Werdegar said in her opinion for the court. The case involved the Sea Scouts,a nonprofit organization that teaches sailing and maritime skills to teenagers. TheBoy Scouts affiliate used space at the Berkeley Marina without charge from the 1930suntil 1998, when the City Council eliminated rent subsidies at the marina fornonprofits that discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation, religion or various othercategories.” (03/09/06)

http://lonestartimes.com/2006/03/09/gun-control-reduces-violence/ For: Gun control reduces violence?Lone Star Timesby Jeremy Weidenhof”Our friends across the pond in England have enacted fairly strict gun controlmeasures in recent years in response to rising violent crime rates, and have anextensive network of cameras to keep a governmental eye on the populace. In fact,things are so peaceful in this now gun-free utopia that schoolchildren are sent toclass in body armor to protect against being stabbed.” (03/09/06)

Oh, and less political:
http://www.alternet.org/story/33299/ For: Is three wives a crowd?AlterNetby Kara Jesella”‘Can he have sex with both of them at the same time?’ That’s what my boyfriendasked midway through a screening of ‘Big Love,’ HBO’s new drama about a polygamistfamily (the first episode premieres this Sunday, March 17, after ‘The Sopranos’).I’m not sure whether patriarch Bill Henrickson (Bill Paxton) can havemultiple-partner rendezvous with his three wives, Barb (played by JeanneTripplehorn), Nicki (Chloe Sevigny), and Margene (Ginnifer Goodwin), but based onthe first episode, it looks like he doesn’t. Except for the fact that he sleeps witha different woman every night, Bill seems as vanilla as can be. Still, I don’t thinkmy boyfriend’s question was just wishful thinking. Polygamy is pretty confusing tomost monogamists.” (03/10/06)

http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0309/p09s01-coop.html What’s so scary about feminism?Christian Science Monitorby Debra Bruno”The other day at work, some colleagues and I were discussing a chain restaurantknown for its scantily clad waitresses. I was taken aback for a moment. ‘They havethe best sports bar in my area,’ one person said. ‘I hear they have great Buffalowings,’ said another. It was a moment of disconnect. ‘But how can anyone go toplaces like that?’ I asked. ‘What about the objectification of women’s bodies?’ Thewhat of the who? My colleagues, many of them young enough to be my offspring, gaveme puzzled, bemused looks. ‘This is one of those feminist things, isn’t it?’ someoneasked. ‘Yes, I’m a feminist. Yes, I did consciousness raising,’ I said. ‘What’sconsciousness raising?’ It was my turn to be startled.” (03/09/06)

7 thoughts on “a rare post that is political.

  1. cos

    eeek! Text inside <pre> tags can’t wrap (unless your browser is buggy). That makes this post many screens wide! I have to temporarily take you off my reading list so I can read the rest of my friends page, but comment with a reply if you fix it? I’ll want to add you back immediately.

  2. tshuma

    Lovely lady…can you reformat the text? If you just cut & pasted it in, it came in with some weird format that won’t allow it to wrap. =(

  3. misterajc

    Gun Control

    The whole gun control causes/prevents violence debate is one that is far from clear. People will simply lie about the statistics in order to make their case. Dr. John Lott is a good example. He invented an entire survey in order to not have to admit that he had made a mistake in quoting somebody else’s results.

    One statistic is very clear however. If you live in a home where there is a gun, you are far more likely to get shot than if you live in a home where there are no guns. For that reason I choose not to have a gun in my home.

  4. phantomdancer

    About the Sea Scouts, the reason that they used the marina free of charge for so long is that they donated the stone needed to create a breakwater and thus make the marina in Berkeley possible at all. Seems kind of churlish to kick them out now. But then Berkeley never did make sense.


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