Wow, I didn’t realize that this was such a widespread holiday! I only heard about it a couple days before Valentine’s day this year. Now, to make this an official National holiday…
*grumblegrumble* three hour drive *grumblegrumble* freakin’ paper due tomorrow *grumble grumble* can’t afford steak *grumblegrumble* I think I need to take a rain check on this one.
I didn’t realize that today was a holiday, but I did indulge at about midnight, after a home made lasagna dinner. Does that count?
That’s a TOTALLY DIFFERENT holiday …
I wonder if it’s appropriate to send a “Thinking of You” card…
don’t think steak is on the menu for tonight but I’ll see what I can do about the other part
Yeah, I’ll be skipping the steak.
I don’t eat steak…but what I wouldn’t give to be able to administer a blow job…*
I don’t celebrate S&BJ Day either, but I could, just have to tell him it’s an early birthday present!
Technically, I think I celebrated this early this year.
Ah, crud. I totally forgot. And my girl is off on a date tonight too. Sigh.
I am looking forward to celebrating tonight ;-).
Wow, I didn’t realize that this was such a widespread holiday! I only heard about it a couple days before Valentine’s day this year. Now, to make this an official National holiday…
I thought SBJ Day was the day after Valentine’s Day??
*grumblegrumble* three hour drive *grumblegrumble* freakin’ paper due tomorrow *grumble grumble* can’t afford steak *grumblegrumble* I think I need to take a rain check on this one.