Status of the giddy

(Noelle–this is me bragging. 😉

Google boy turned out to be a pretty nice date and he has since called just to kind of chat. He was pretty clear that he would like to see me again sometime soon, but he is aware that I am busy.
The film maker is happy to be my fill-the-gap person on Saturday when I have some free time between therapy and an event in the evening.
The uke player is being silly and complimentary and stroking my ego on a daily basis.
Flirting with hot dancers is in a sort of static place and I am perfectly happy with that.
Last night I had 12 hot people in a hot tub all paying attention to me. I got to kiss anyone I wanted! Dude, it was so sexy.

I am at a reasonable place for work. I am gearing up for the comp exams and big scary papers coming up for my classes. I think I will do ok.
In the next week I have to finish my poetry unit. Then I have a week or so to get notes together for the comp exams. Then I need to start on the monster papers. I also need to get together with my performance lit group to put together a presentation for class.

If I am smart I will be basically done with my papers by April 23rd because I start full time teaching soon after that. How much do people want to bet that I won’t be that smart? 😉

Ok, if I disappear for April, don’t take it personally. If I disappear in April my life won’t be hell on earth in May. Seems like an ok trade off.

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