Holy Fuck.

I am subbing today so I have lots of unfamiliar kids to deal with. One of them just went into shock/passed out. The situation was dealt with fairly calmly. The VP came over with the on-campus police officer and she is being put into an ambulance.

That scared me and my adrenaline is pumping hard. Now I get to monitor kids working silently for the next hour and a half. oy.

6 thoughts on “Holy Fuck.

  1. blacksheep_lj

    Relax, deep breath. I imagine you did what I do, which is to just deal with the situation and then after it’s *over* realize what the HELL just happened. A few deep breaths and a little self-reassurrance that it’s been handled correctly and calmly and you’re on your way.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I was so glad she went down where I could prop her against my body and reach the phone to dial for help.

      Scared the bejeezus out of me. I kept the other students out of it and mostly not staring. It went as well as such things can, but oy was that scary!


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