- When I arrived I discovered that he had a stuffed animal in the bed waiting for me in case I had not brought Ted. He has paid attention to me apparently.
- He spent 2 1/2 hours making dinner for me. There was an amazing array and quantity of food. Not to mention that the presentation was spectacular.
- So much amazing hot sex including a first for him that was rather lovely for me. He tied me up for the second time and once again did a spectacular job–I am seriously impressed with his imagination. I do so love me the boyscouts.
- He made a really lovely breakfast yesterday as well. Followed by the ice cream we were too full to eat the night before.
- Lots of slackage and more hot sex yesterday.
- Lots of doing dishes and horrifying his housemate. “Guests should not be doing dishes!!!!” “Guess he’s never met a service girl before?”
- A really sweet walk on the beach that involved lots of storytelling and him actually sharing stuff about himself. I thought it would take a lot longer before I learned these kinds of things about him.
- A silly trip to the grocery store that felt very normal and like “just life” in a wonderful way.
- A lovely time sitting around late last night drinking wine and more more more talking. (Ok, bits of that talking are fuzzy. That third glass was a doozy.)
- Snuggling up for sleep with him and the stuffed animal again and just feeling happy.
- Snuggling up this morning when he came back to bed really annoyed from work and I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he smiled even though he had been super grumpy just seconds before.
- Said lovely dinner didn’t happen until 10:30 because we didn’t get here till 8. I was kind of cranky and light headed by then.
- He wanted to watch TV yesterday and I told him if he did that I was going to just go home. He decided that wasn’t a good way to prioritize his time this weekend even if he is weeks behind on his shows.
- Being cold most of the time. Santa Cruz is like that though.
- Lots of bad dreams last night centering around feeling guilty.
- I feel guilty today that I haven’t gone home and this date is starting to feel like spending a weekend with a boyfriend as opposed to a date with a shiney. I have some serious conflict internally about this.