I hate group work. Two people didn’t show up until three hours late. We have a six page script–I wrote four pages of it. They wanted me to write the paper as well and I told them that if I wrote the paper then I was informing the teacher that we dropped two people from the group and they had better figure out some way to turn something in on their own by Wednesday.
But I did find out that one of the (considerate) chicks in my group is also a raging pervert. We have plans to go to BaGG together soon.
Group work really is unpleasant. =/
One time I did group work for school, we had a group of four in my statistics class. Two of the people spent a good ten minutes in our first meeting talking about how they wanted to make sure everyone did their parts because man, it really sucks when people don’t do their parts. They wanted to make sure everyone pulled their weight. And on and on and on.
So of course for the second and third meetings, they hadn’t done jack for their assignments, and didn’t show a whole lot of either remorse or interest in catching up the work.
Fortunately for me, I had a surgery coming up at the time, so I asked the instructor if I could do the assignment on my own (which I had about half done anyway by that time), and just turn it in independently. She said sure. I think she knew by my tone that my groupmates were a bunch of slackers who would be quite happy hanging themselves.
Well done on handling freeloaders!!