Because this amused me…
Number of people on my lj friends list: 133
…whom I’ve met in person: 129
…whom I’ve met in person more than once: 126
…whose house I’ve been to: 71
…who have been to my house: 54 (and many of these people it has not been in 8+ years)
…whose full names I know offhand: (I’m just doing first and last) 42
…whom I’ve known for more than 3 years: 30
…whom I’ve known for more than 5 years: 12
…whom I’ve known for more than 7 years: 6
…whom I’ve known for more than 9 years: 6
…whose journal I consider myself “addicted” to: I get upset when brjulia doesn’t post for a long time. Well, not upset… but I miss her. Other than that I read my whole friends list, but I’m not addicted…
…whom I’ve lived with: 3 (I will be living with another one in about 7 months…)
…who I’d do: heh who haven’t I done… Kidding! There are lots of nice normal people whom I haven’t slept with. Being on my friends list isn’t incriminating… although… there are 19 specific people whom I would really really like to do on my friendslist. Many of whom would be repeats or expanding on previously played somewhat.
I need to go to bed and wank now.
How on earth do you have time to hang with all those people? I just can’t imagine pulling that off.
I go to a lot of parties so I get many people at one time.
I saw this meme a few years ago, started to fill out my version of it, and got sidetracked into all sorts of variations.
For example, been to their house? Lots of my friends were in college (many still are), so do dorms count, or their parents’? So I made two housing categories. And then I wanted to note whether I’d actually stayed over there, rather than just visiting… I started doing the same things to all the other categories. Like with names, do I know their full legal name, or just the name they tend to go by which many not be the same thing, etc.
And then I started seeing patterns, like social clusters, and started adding those…
So now I keep a list, and every time I add a new friend, I add them, and I update it. So I can tell you things like: There are 541 people on my friends list (multiple accounts and communities bring the total up to above 700). Of those 541, I’ve met 521 in person (wow, I’ve really expanded my friending of people I haven’t met recently!). I’m either regularly seeing now, or have dated or had Relationships with, 30 of them. I’ve worked with 41, in some way or other (which includes volunteer roles in places like WBRS or a political campaign). 351 of them either live in Boston or have lived here while I’ve known them or I met them in Boston; 33 New York City; 62 west coast; 18 in foreign countries. 56 went to Brandeis or I met them there; 18 are similarly connected with Vassar.
This thing is constantly changing. At this point, I think I’ll probably never actually post it.
I’ve never been
One of the four before
Gee, I don’t know if I’m lucky-enough to be one of the 19, but if so we should hurry– I only have a week or two left in the bay area ;-).