Cause I was made fun of this weekend for posting my schedule I will just squeel with delight over my upcoming stuff.
I have my second comp exam this coming Saturday and after that I am going drinking at Zeitgeist to celebrate with some people from the fuckbuddies tribe. Anyone want to join us? You don’t have to be looking for a fuckbuddie–just come to celebrate with me! No plans later in the evening yet… Sunday afternoon/evening I am going to a Whippersnappers (young perverts) event where some people will get tied up and then there will be reading of dirty stories. It’s going to be hot.
All of next week I am on spring break from kiddos. My goal is to write my term papers during the days so that I can turn them in early. It’s a goal… I also plan to do some polyclubbery (Death Guild and BaGG) cause I can sleep in and be lazy like. Yay. The 22nd is Gaskells and Kinky Salon. I think I am going to try to do both, but we’ll see… The 23rd I am going up to the east bay to see a truly odd ukelele show. It sounds like it is going to be really cool and the fun guy I’ve been dating every so often has put it together. I plan to enjoy myself.
I know of Naughty on the 6th and a private party I want to go to on the 13th, but other than that I have three weekends in a row that aren’t terribly booked. (29/30 of April, 6/7 of May, and 13/14 of May) I am done studenting by the 12th. 20/21 of May is a faire.
25-29 of May I am in Chicago for Shibaricon! I’m excited! 3/4 of June is faire. 10/11 of June is a private event that I think I want to go to. I am probably going to take off on the 12th or 13th for Portland and stay until the 22nd or 23rd. 24/25 is faire. I’m going to head east for TES fest probably on the 29th. From NYC I am going to Spain. I will probably be there for about three weeks but I haven’t figured that out yet.
I will probably be at faire the 5/6 of August as well as the 26/27th. August 31-September 4 will be Burning Man. Sep 23/24 is another faire. Oct 21/22 is another faire Then Dickens starts. *woof* And I already know of lots of events in the weekends I didn’t mention but I will be in town the unmentioned weekends…
I’m already tired!!
I can’t help but wonder if you’re going to the same private event that tank and I are going to be at on June 10th/11th…
We’ll see
Re: Hmmm
The hotness that is Miss Kitty ought to be there as well. Will she be at the event you are planning to go to?
Re: Hmmm
I certainly hope so
There are so many ways to play the “Whats my name” game.
I’m getting married on August 13th in Concord. Put that on your calendar?
Already done! I didn’t list all of the local stuff I have planned on the calendar, just the stuff that takes me out of town.