*grin* Thanks for noticing me loren_q
6 Weird Things About Me You May Not Know
1. I would rather burn candles than turn on a light switch. When I am home by myself I often have 30+ candles burning because I want it to be bright but I dislike artificial light. The weird thing is I feel self conscious doing it with anyone else around. I think this has been one of the things I have appreciated the most about living alone. I don’t have to worry about what anyone else thinks about what I am doing.
2. I reread the book Walk in My Soul by Lucia St.Clair Robson at least once a year, usually more like two or three times a year. I always sob through the last 20 or so pages so hard that I can barely see enough to keep reading. For some reason this book touches me more than any other.
3. My ears were pierced for the first time when I was about 18 months old. The second piercings were done when I was 12. The third when I was 18. And I can’t wear earrings in any set of holes because I get infections within a day.
4. I still listen to songs on repeat for days. I have never grown up. In the past few months I have had days where the focus has been : “Boyfriend” by Ashlee Simpson (don’t ask), “Ever the Same” by Rob Thomas, and “On Again Off Again On AgainTonight” by Trent Willmon. Good stuff.
5. A lot of people know that I am somewhat picky about what I eat, but most people don’t understand that most of the time it isn’t about taste/flavor. I can’t handle weird textures. Slimey, weirdly crunchy, or anything that feels sharp. If something is too odd in my mouth it can make me throw up. This is why I don’t eat stuff that feels weird in my mouth. And it seems to be arbitrary. I can’t handle the texture of onions or seafood. *shiver* God it’s nasty.
6. I’m not actually terribly into boots. And I’m specifically not into high heeled boots. I like military style boots a lot on other people, and engineer boots well enough. I have this nick because Tom and I sat around and exchanged ideas because he hated the one I used from high school. I think this nick doesn’t fit me but I don’t know what would. Any suggestions?
I’m supposed to tag people, so I will. But keep in mind my darlings that this is just a suggestion. How about: danaoshee, doctorcurly, evilcyber, ihotpockets, loupyone, and rpage.
Since you brought it up, I have to confess that I’ve always hated this username for you. I’m not fond of most descriptive avatar names; they often seem to, like this one, magnify a tiny piece of someone’s character out of proportion with the rest.
If I chose a name for you, it would either be a random non-sequitor, like mine or Sarah’s, or it would contain the word “virago”. In that take-back-the-word kind of way.
I’m a fan of anagrams, but they’re really just another form of nonsequitur.
I did an anagram search and with the version of my first name I usually use and my last name I get: “Scary Her Risk”
Or with either of the two names people use I get: “Ankle is Sorry” or “Real Risky Son” or “Rare Kiss Only”
“virago” is good. K, I think you worry too much about ppl thinking youre a bitch, so “bitch” would be bad.
Must think more, these are just off the top of my head.
Thanks, both K’s, for sharing.
Well, I’ve been dealing with the word “slut” in that take-back-the-word kind of way for more than five years. I’m kind of tired of having to explain my usage.
But thank you for the suggestion. 🙂
Oh deary me. I’ll do it when I get home. And you used my screen-name!
Because I was tagging you, not talking about you. It’s different.
And you and should share notes on food textures, he’ll eat any taste its textures that set him off
Is too long.
Naw, too much like the 80’s movie and that isn’t me.
🙂 Thanks though!
In the food industry, the term is “mouthfeel”. I love that word, but rarely have a chance to use it.
If you want to keep something re-claiming the word “slut”, I’d recommend a name like “Princess_Slut”, (with or without the underscore). Don’t know if it’s taken, though. Maybe “ThatsPrincessSlut” or something if it is in use.
Princess_slut, Slut_princess and Princessslut are all taken.
However, slutprincess has been deleted and purged, and is available for renaming to. http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=25
RightKindOfBrat isn’t taken. 😉 I’m thinking about it.