Boys and boys and girls oh my!

I have work to do, but this entry is buzzing around in my brain and maybe if I get it out I will be able to do some work.

On Saturday I went to Naughty. Whether this entry is porn or just me talking about my life is something that

I must start off by saying I love this party. I think it is by far my favorite party. I have been searching for years for a party that is ok with bdsm play, sex, dancing, dress up, and alcohol. I have found my haven. You don’t have to be into all of the above, but there is a welcome attitude towards basically anything you want to do. I really love it.

Ok, so on to my Naughty night. There was a bit of oddness around arriving as Noah and I were going from a play (Single Entendre: Worst Case Scenario. I swear to god it was one of the funniest shows I have ever seen and I am dragging everyone I know to their next show.) and there was a bit of confusion around when we were meeting up with a friend who wanted our 3rd freebie ticket. Eventually that worked out and everyone arrived safe and at least mostly happy. As Noah and I were walking in my Naughty Hook-upcame in the door right behind us. He wasn’t on the official “Single Guy Approved” list so it is a good thing he showed up then. I informed the door guy (who knows me) that this was the person I was going to spend most of the night fucking and if he didn’t let him in I might feel the need to throw a temper tantrum. Of course this wasn’t necessary because he rapidly caved in and gave me what I wanted. So the Naughty Hook-Up followed us in and then he looked at Noah kind of odd and it turns out that they met years ago when Noah was with the girl who was the first love of his life. It was funny. Anyway there was a certain amount of guy nudging to the effect of, “Is it ok for me to fuck your woman?” and all was good. Thankfully, Noah shares.

Noah and I got dressed in one of the main walkways much to the entertainment of the people who stopped to stare. I think I was more interesting to watch though. Lots of hellos and flirting began. I was on a serious flirting roll all night. Naughty Hook-up and I spent a lot of time making out against a wall in the bar area as everyone else talked and got settled in for the night. Eventually everyone decided to make our way to the plushy room (black lighting and dozens and dozens of fluorescent colored stuffed animals including a humongous octopus that is actually rather disturbing) for some talking and cuddling and such. This rapidly turned into Naughty Hook-up and I getting downright raunchy. I don’t remember how it came up … hmmm … actually, I think I started fucking his mouth with my finger at one point, but anyway for some reason we started talking about whether or not he is a good cock sucker. It just so happened that I brought my cock with me. Lucky him. So I ran off to put it on and spotted this lovely girl whom I think quite highly of and managed to pull her in the direction of my lovely Noah. I thought that they would probably enjoy one another’s company quite a bit and it was one of my goals for the night to ensure that they at least talked more. But I digress.

I arrived back and pulled NH (I’m tired of writing all that out) to the floor and started fucking his face with my cock. It was very hot. I haven’t done that with someone at all in years and not to a boy in even longer–it generally isn’t my thing. I don’t know what is getting into me lately! I am being toppy during sex! This is so weird. I fucked his face for a little while and leaned down to pinch his nipples (he has some of the most sensitive nipples I have ever seen on anyone) and whisper dirty things in his ear about what a fabulous little cocksucking slut he was. It was seriously hot. Eventually though I became a greedy little ho. I reached down between the strap on holster and my body and got myself off a few times. By the time I did that I was getting pretty impatient and decided I was ready to get fucked. We both rapidly took our clothes off and uhh assumed the position. He is a lovely lay. He reads my signals well and understands when I want him to go faster and harder and when I want him to slow down and grind on my clit. Mmmmmm Unfortunately we were on the little bench and that was not comfortable at all so we moved to the floor. Then we started having condom issues. As happens sometimes having lots of people around and commenting was not exactly conducive to him maintaining an erection. Damn party sex. We played manually for a few minutes and decided to move to a quieter room and see how that worked for him. Well, there were still too many distractions. So we instead did a lot of mutual masturbation and wrestling and kissing and touching. I had a wonderful, fabulous experience.

After a while I decided that I needed to check in with Noah so I did that and he was still having fun. Wandering around the party nekkid got me a lot of comments. Freakin perverts. I came back to NH and made out for a bit longer. Eventually we decided to wind that down completely with the comment that we are going to have a one on one date sometime in the not too incredibly distant future. Ha. He thanked me multiple times for understanding that guys can’t be hard on demand at all times. Apparently this is something that not all women understand. Ok–ladies, do any of you reading this get upset? Seriously. I can’t imagine getting mad. I know full well that he wants to be fucking me so how can I be upset at nature for being finicky? Anyway.

The rest of the party was mostly wandering around and flirting. I danced a little while, sometimes with NH sometimes without. I checked in with Noah lots and he was always having fun. I got to bite the ass of one of the hottest girls I know while she danced on a pedastal in front of me. That was tasty. I kissed a few girls and sat on Noah’s lap for some uhm fun. Yay for sex with my favorite boy! 🙂 I had a gorgeous girl kiss my shoe and then later she had me kiss hers–which led to a brief mad makeout session and sucking her nipples and grinding her into the wall. Thank you M for catching the picture as it almost fell. 🙂 I kissed the DJ and then sucked on his awesome partner’s breasts for a little while. I spent the last big chunk of the night off talking with her in a corner. It was really great to have serious conversation at one of these events to balance out all the raunchy good fun. Noah and I had a somewhat difficult ride home as it was after 4 when we left and before we got home I was hallucinating on the back of the bike and twitching too much. 🙁 Sorry honey.

Then I slept with my clothes on because I was still too frozen to want to take them off. 🙂 But damn it was a good night. 😉

10 thoughts on “Boys and boys and girls oh my!

  1. angelbob

    before we got home I was hallucinating on the back of the bike and twitching too much. 🙁 Sorry honey

    S’all good. Wouldn’t have taken nearly as long if they hadn’t closed the Bay Bridge entrances off. And hey, was fun being bitchy with you about all the random people in cars while shouting back and forth 😛 Yay for silly shouted motorcycle conversation.

  2. whipsnkisses

    (I’m sneaking a peak at LJ while at work.. I’m bad, bad, bad.. but you already knew that)

    I’m sure Random would LOVE to read your little story and if you anonymize it, might be interested in posting it on their website as a testemonial of sorts – kinda like what he did with my story about Debaucherama.

    It was great seeing you (even if briefly) *kisses*


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