I answered this in several journals so I should share the love.

Leave a comment in my LJ listing each of the numbers that indicatesyour thoughts/feelings towards me. Then leave this meme in your own LJ.

0= I don’t know you.
1= I like you.
2= I love you!!
3= You are funny.
4= You are cool.
5= I don’t really care for your personality.
6= I want to fuck you.
7= You are sexy!
8= You’re a sweetheart.
9= I want to get to know you better.
10= I hope you die.
11= Marry me, PLEASE?
12= Let’s makeout.

50 thoughts on “I answered this in several journals so I should share the love.

      1. barelyproper

        Yes really. You’re hot, smart, sassy, you turn me on, and I could trust you enough that I could actually let go. You are one of the women who if/when I try women without a man in volved (sounds so trendy-bi) would be someone I seriously considered provided there was mutual interest. I am still a little scared of myself, as you well know.

  1. flyinamazon

    1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 with maybe a 12 or 6, we’ve never quite worked that out.

    I’m not reposting the meme, just because right at this very moment, there are some folks who’se answers I really wouldn’t want to see.

      1. aerolyndt

        Re: food for thought

        mrr. maybe i didn’t read all of them?

        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

        sigh. read all of the options. again, even if you think you’ve read all the options, read all of the options.

      1. urangme

        Re: Hmmmm…

        Hmmm, there are alot of people out there than I think are sexy as hell, for brains, ideas, personality etc, that I totally don’t want to intimate/physical with in any way. Not saying that you fit that cubby, but to give you an idea, sometimes I think Howard Stern is sexy….and sometimes I think Miss A. Jolie is sexy…But I’m pretty sure I’d rather not do/make out with either one of them.

        And my gut tells me that I’d probably want to pounce on you if given the go ahead and the chance…but by the strict rules…I’ll refrain for now 🙂

      1. capnkjb

        I am half tempted to email the person who set up that photobucket account and tell them that they are my hero. I adore using screencaps for obscure jokes. It is the way my brain works.

  2. cos

    punctuated, even: 2 3 4! 5 6? 7 9 12!
    I don’t think any of these will surprise you 🙂

    I won’t leave this in my LJ but I invite you to respond here 🙂


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