It’s a good time to work on your moon tan. I suggest you put on abathing suit and find a place where the moon can beam down on you for awhile. As you bask in its glow, periodically turning over to let itsaturate every part of your body, imagine that soaking up the lunarvibes will deepen and tone your emotional life, enhance yourreceptivity, make you a wiser nurturer, and build up your knack foradjusting deftly to change.
Ironic considering I CAN’T SLEEP!!!!
Ironic? How so? You’re up anyway.
I would skip the bathing suit part. Lay in the moonlight. Is good for you!
Got a new name yet?
I’m not going to change this week. I think rightkindofbrat is it though.
Hmm. Well the men like it.
I admit I don’t.
I’ll still like you though, of course, of course.
Just out of curiousity, what don’t you like about it.
I think “MyKindofBrat” would be more appropriate. Not right, not wrong, just being your own kind of brat.
A few reasons but the “right” thing, yah that bugs me. It implies there is a single correct kind of brat. Which there ain’t and that sounds judgemental.
We’re all okay with your princessness and your brattiness but yah, think its good to let the other brats be their own kind of brat without the value judgement.
So “my” would be a good substitute, yes.
Otherwise I think it’s because it mentions a single aspect of you. Seems one dimensional to me.
Now I know its hard to get a nick to fit all of you or even approach the essence (sp?) but I do think one could do better than a single dimension.
And if one did have to tell of only one aspect of you that wouldn’t be the one I would pick. There’s a lot more going on in there than simply brattiness.
And then there’s just the bit that it isn’t lyrical, it doesn’t feel nice on the tongue.
You know, you can add a underscore or a number or an extra letter to a name if the name as is has been taken.
It’s an option.
Tell me, what did you like first best, second best, third?
Oops. Urg, I didn’t look and I thought I was replying to bootslut.
Silly. Well yah, if you take that into account the reply still makes sense. Sorry bout that.
S’ok. I might not have seen your response, otherwise.
Now that I think of it, “MyOwnKindofBrat” is even more clear that your brat-hood is on your own terms. That is, if you want to move from embracing slut-hood to embracing brat-hood.
The only problem is that without capitalization, you run the risk of people reading it as “myownk indof brat” and thinking it means something in German. “I am a jelly sausage”, perhaps.
Ooo. I like the iamajellysausage. That’s nice!
I like it for several reasons with or without the permission of the people I am dating, because hell men shouldn’t define my identity anymore. That sure didn’t work out.
I want to be the right kind of brat because I have been told for so long how wrong I am. How everything about me isn’t ok. I don’t think I am the only kind of right by any stretch of the imagination, but I am what is right for me. I don’t need to change. I think qualifying it as “My kind of” is caving in too much to the fact that other people have opinions about who I should be. I’m not just my kind, I am the right kind. Not the right kind for everyone, but for lots and lots of people.
I’m picking brat as an identifier because I hate bitch. I don’t like virago. I don’t want to be something hostile, but I do like my sassiness. I do like that I have fought for the right to be as indpendent as I am.
I’m the right kind of me.
Hey.That is SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better!
That’s it!!!!!
Lol. Yay!!! I likes too!
Although I still am fond of iamajellysausage. Mind if I call you jellysausage once in a while? Jellysausage sounds might tasty and you are of course. Whoa, I’m all hungry now. Pavlovian Noelle.
I like your sassiness too lady.
Thanks for explaining the choice. The context makes sense to me.
Anyway, you’re lovely.
And I like you!
(I’m replying to this so both you and can see it)
As far as user names- what about “LayInTheMoonlight”? I’m not sure if that’s too girly for you, but I think it’s pretty cool.
As far as the lower-down conversation about dimensions of user names- Personally, I highly recomend coming up with an abstract name. I did, because the one I wanted was taken, and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my netlife.
*groans* Good lord, I write that whole preface, and I misplace the reply! That was suposed to go right beneath the first post by.
It’s too long. But I decided what I want.
I don’t want an abstract name.