Name 10 of life’s simple pleasures that you like most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not use things that someone else has already used.
1. Pink fuzzy shower curtains hung as my living room curtain.
2. When more than 1/2 of my class is up to date on their reading. (Seriously, this makes me deliriously happy.)
3. Knowing that in less than 24 hours I get to see my Portland Boy!!
4. Going to sleep and waking up with my Noah.
5. When someone tells me they like my smile.
6. Driving through a massive rainstorm and then seeing a beautiful rainbow on the other side.
7. Having Noah start rubbing some part of me (massage you filthy perverts) while we are just sitting around having a conversation.
8. Feeling heard.
9. Walking along the beach hearing stories about someone I like a lot.
10. Knowing that in 36 hours I will be in a restaurant with three of the men that make me the happiest.
My life so rocks.
Oh, I choose: malixe, celledhor(boy you never post), gerardp, fuzzyturtlefoamslice, meerkat299, soulcookie, notanai, polkamadness, and terpsichoros. Yeah, we’ll see if even *two* of you do it. Heh.
Oooooooooh, a challenge. I accept. Look for my 10. Probably not tonight but I’ve got at least 10 simple pleasures (and probably a few complex ones that don’t count ;-}
No one ever memes me.
Oh good grief.
I picked people who rarely ever post in order to encourage them to do so.
Re: Oh good grief.
I don’t post because I have nothing to say. Or maybe just nothing I’m willing to share….
Well, I tried to give you an opening.
BTW, I love this icon. perfect colors, perfect quote.
may I borrow it?
Please do.