The boys have come to the conclusion that I’m not reacting to alcohol I am just sick. I threw up four times today, the last time I had only had green tea flavored water. I’m just sick. I did manage to keep some soup down this evening but moving around still causes my stomach to hurt enough that I am calling in sick to work tomorrow.
I didn’t do that much partying last night. I had three drinks over the course of about three hours. Although last night that was enough to make me black out portions of the evening and catch my hair on fire. I don’t want to talk about it. I feel like a total fucking idiot and for the life of me I don’t understand why Google Boy was willing to come take care of me today after I made such a horse’s ass of myself. *bang head against wall*
I am sick. I feel really awful. I would want to cry, but the boys in my life have babied me so much today that even that doesn’t seem necessary. They traded off taking care of me this evening and had a lovely little chat over my prone form. I really like both of them. I am so lucky.
They really are nice guys. It’s a good situation all around–except for the sickness part, obviously.
I’m ok with the situation, sickness included. Stuff happens.
If you’re ill, booze can have extreme and unanticipated effects on the body. Not the least of which, when you’re sick you’re often dehydrated, and that’s a really bad time to be drinking.
So, don’t blame yourself for today, or even, to some extent, the actions of last night.
But I’m hearing stories and apparently pictures were taken and…
Oh shit.
Yeah, well, nothing you can do about that. But definitely blame the fact that you were ill, but hadn’t realized it, and the booze hit harder and faster than anyone had a right to expect.
So…where can I find these pictures?
Yeah, sometimes boys don’t suck.
Yeah, and those times are sad.
have you taken a pregnancy test?
No, but I just stopped bleeding and literally there wouldn’t be time for me to be pregnant yet.
oooh sick….I kinda wondered. Distant hugs and a “there, there” offered. You do have good boys.
Thanks for the hugs.
There is an intestinal bug going around that gets pretty nasty. go see a doctor.
I’m not throwing up anymore and the sick seems to be more contained now. If I am still sick tomorrow I’ll think about it.
Thanks for the concern though.
I would be worried that someone dropped something in your drink. The reaction you are describing sound pretty much like the same reaction I had when I encountered a beverage that was dosed. I am glad you are safe.