Today I had a really hard therapy session talking about my mom. Then I called my brother and he was his typical asshole self. At the end he flippantly told me that our step-mother died three weeks ago. I lost it. I almost crashed my car.
Trudy was literally the only person in my family who has ever told me that none of it was my fault and that she doesn’t blame me for any of it.
I tried to arrange one on one time with someone this evening to feel a little less shitty and that didn’t work out. I felt really rejected even though I know I shouldn’t have. I was being upset about the earlier news more than I was reacting to that exact situation.
But I really hurt right now.
*hugs* I’ll have a drink for you, once I can get off work, and light a candle for T.
gah. I feel like a tool about dinner now.
I am so sorry for your loss, sweetheart.
Would you like to come to open-house brunch at Kevin and Rachel’s tomorrow? And then I could give you real live hugs.
gave you some hugs. more *hugs*. and hugs and snuggles in the morning.
Oh honey. I’m sorry.
Brother is big asshole. You certain he isn’t lying?
Hey. It wasn’t your fault.
Even if she’s passed that’s still true.
No, he isn’t lying.
that’s really awful. I’m sorry.
So much love sent your way.
I’m sorry for your loss. And I’m sorry your brother couldn’t tell you gently. *hugs* and love to you.