So Noah and I are lying in bed talking and the conversation manages to get around to the fact that he thinks that everyone who knows me wants to do me. I disagree with this assertion. Not because I have low self esteem, but because I simply don’t think that I am everyone’s cup of tea. We argued and argued and no one was winning so I decided to take it to the most appropriate forum possible. LJ. So please, clicky clicky on the poll.
I think you are the only no that is going to make me sad.
*points to rightkindofme*
Sorry, Noah, she’s right. Luv, you’re a sexy beast to be sure, but that doesn’t mean I tangibly want you.
You’re sweet, bright and I’m terribly fond of you but I can’t honestly say I harbour any fantasies.
There have been times, there have been outfits, but on a general principle, notsomuch.
I’m a dance snob, and it carries over into the bedroom.
Thank god for icons with real pictures. I couldn’t figure out who “rightkindofme” (good name) was.
IF… and its a big if, I were to do a female it would just be TOO TOO wierd at this point if it was you. Kind of like having sex with my sister or something.
You’re very attractive in appearance and motion. You draw attention warmly. When it comes to sex, though, we have different kinks. Some of your must-haves are on my must avoid list, especially the hair pulling. I know there’s a sign difference but I still prefer not doing to others as I’d have not done to myself. The first time I was bitten hard it was on a knuckle, the first to later develop arthritis-like motion issues. Digging through mail I don’t see evidence of trigers but I remember something some time ago that I perceied as strong disinterest. Strong enough to reciprocate. Perhaps "Don’t touch me." That one’s a bit of a safeword in my lexicon.
So if you were to flirt agressively I’d probably warm at least enough to flirt back but for now, no, too distant. Thanks for asking, though. It’s a daring thing to leave out there.
You *are* sweet and sexy, good reasons to like you and want to jump your bones.
But the best reason to like you (and perhaps do you) is because I respect you.
I would do you–you are superfun in bed. But that’s just me. There are people out there that wouldn’t want to.
I put “duh”, and “yes”.
Hope you’re feeling better.
You expressed interest in me once, which I found very flattering at the time. I’m glad to see that you’re happier now than you have been at times.
My answer is not necessarily representative of the both of us. But, no thanks.
While you are sexy, I think I’m mostly drawn to your footware collection. Would you mind leaving your boots with me for a few hours?
We’ve had this discussion. Love you, but no.
I’d rather have you bake me cookies or clean my kitchen than fuck me…not that any of the above are remotely likely, but that’s just how the in-person energy goes. Not that you aren’t sexy (you are), but you have seemed more eager to serve and to please others…