Let me explain, no–there is too much. Let me sum up.
Travel was a nightmare. There were so many delays that it was just un-fuckingbelievable. I don’t want to ever fly to Chicago again. The place is cursed. You can’t get in and you can’t get out.
Noah and I traded off being cranky and traveling together seems to work very well–yay! Yeah, he’s the right one.
The con itself was very eh. The classes were not particularly inspiring. I felt that there wasn’t much that challenged me.
I got to see some really wonderful people that I rarely see and that was cool. I met more new people at this con than I probably ever have before.
I got to see my Julia and my Bridgett. Ok, the travel was worth it.
I got suspended and I tied up a hot boy and I kicked around another hot boy. Not a bad weekend.
I was a complete and total bitch to japlady and her father. *sigh* Will I ever grow up?
I am really sick of waking up with the sun no matter what timezone I am in.
I missed Google Boy something fierce. I am so happy I get to see him tonight.
Chicago food does *not* agree with my tummy. Next time I am at the food mercy of japlady I need to put my foot down about not so much greasy meat. Ugh. My stomach still feels disgusting.
But overall I had fun and I’m glad I went. I am mostly sorry about the days missed from work but such is life.
From back beyond when Chicago was “Hog-butcher to the world”, the city’s always been about greasy meat. Hot dogs; go for the Vienna Beef hot dog.
Anyway, cons aren’t supposed to be about learning things, really. They’re about connecting and re-connecting. If it were about learning, they’d have called it Shibari College. (Which isn’t to say you *can’t* learn anything. But, really, the focus is more social than anything else.)
In fairly typical fashion you are showing that you are speaking on a topic you don’t know much about. SM cons are about learning. That is a huge deal to them. Our cons are shaped and formed around the class schedules and that is often what draws people to them.
Hokay, I’m a shut up now.